Looking for a certain type of movie!!!! (2)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-28 17:53 ID:FKNy930d

I really need your help.

I need movies, Tv shows, animes, cartoons, hentai, anything; even books or comic books ANY media where monsters/creatures/demons/robots/mutants/deformed people/whatever else is the main character or very close to the main character. Characters you would conventionally expect to be antagonists are instead the protagonists

Like in district 9; the commercial makes you think it's going to be another aliens vs. man it was but the aliens were the ones the film tricked you into rooting for. When ever a alien died it would kinda make you cringe, but when a human did it would make you giggle. That sense of role reversal is what I am looking for.

Obvious picks would be movies like Beauty and the Beast, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Frankenstein, The Elephant Man, ET, The Iron Giant, and Hellboy. Other lesser known ones are No Such Thing, Toxic Avenger, Mask, The Fly, Enemy Mine, Nightbreed, Fur, and Little Monsters.

The kind of movies that I am NOT looking for are ones like Interview with the Vampire and Let the Right one in, basically anything with attractive "monsters" they are not monsters if they look hot. Or anything with just mental monsters like American psycho and Funny Games. Bascially I want the character to be a outcast or "monster" because of grotesque appearance and not a mental state; no matter what category they fall under- human or subhuman.

Anything you can think of will help. Thank you for reading all that.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-28 17:54 ID:FKNy930d

Tetsuo: The Iron Man
The Incredible Melting Man

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