who knows?
Today I had decided to use my windows partition again and like I always do, the first thing I did was to open the task manager just to see if everything was right but it wasn't. When the window was open, the first thing I noticed was a strange process running in the user thing. The name is "xp-e9d7a798.exe" obviously without the quotes. I tryed googling the name but nothing came up. Not even one of those sites that list most windows processes.
Does anyone have any idea as to what kind of malware this could be?
P.S. At the beggining of this year I had caught a trojan called avpo.exe which it's listed as some kind of password stealer and backdoor for root kits but ever since that day I had never used windows again and decided to stick with Linux. I never eliminated that malware because it's way to complex for me to do so. So I decided to just leave it like that and never again used my Windows partition until this afternoon.
who knows?
Today I had decided to use my fleshlight again and like I always do, the first thing I did was to open the slit just to see if everything was right but it wasn't. When the lips were open, the first thing I noticed was a strange odour ruining the fantasy thing. The name of the fleshlight is "xp-e9d7a798.exe" obviously without the quotes. I tryed googling the name but nothing came up. Not even one of those sites that list most sex fetishes.
Does anyone have any idea as to what kind of odour this could be?
P.S. At the beggining of this year I had bought a fleshlight called avpo.exe which it's listed as some kind of massage device and backdoor for kinky nights but ever since that day I had never used avpo again and decided to stick with the other one. I never eliminated that odour because it's way to complex for me to do so. So I decided to just leave it like that and never again used my avpo fleshlight until this afternoon.
who knows?
Today I had decided to use my 4-ch again and like I always do, the first thing I did was to open the /general/ just to see if everything was the same but it wasn't. When the window was open, the first thing I noticed was a strange thread listed in the preview thing. The name is "xp-e9d7a798.exe" obviously without the quotes. I tryed googling the name but nothing came up. Not even one of those sites that list most off-chan memes.
Does anyone have any idea as to what kind of kopipe this could be?
P.S. At the beggining of this year I had caught a meme called avpo.exe which it's listed as some kind of video loop and kopipe for spam but ever since that day I had never used 4chan again and decided to stick with 4-ch. I never used that meme because it's way to hilarious for me to do so. So I decided to just leave it like that and never again used kopipe until this morning.
who knows?
Today I had decided to use my 4-ch again and like I always do, the first thing I did was to open the /general/ just to see if everything was the same but it wasn't. When the window was open, the first thing I noticed was a strange thread listed in the preview thing. The name is "xp-e9d7a798.exe" obviously without the quotes. I tryed googling the name but nothing came up. Not even one of those sites that list most off-chan memes.
Does anyone have any idea as to what kind of kopipe this could be?
P.S. At the beggining of this year I had caught a meme called avpo.exe which it's listed as some kind of video loop and kopipe for spam but ever since that day I had never used 4chan again and decided to stick with 4-ch. I never used that meme because it's way to hilarious for me to do so. So I decided to just leave it like that and never again used kopipe until this morning.