The new 4-ch start page image (9)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-27 03:50 ID:So/Iw5mZ

I just realized how chill and relaxed it is.

Imagine you're chilling on your sailboat, with a few bros and some dank bud.
Cruising the Pacific, having an intelligent conversation with some guys about stealing panties and how you spent the last decade as a hikikomori.

I think that we should all pitch in, buy a yacht and spend summer 2010 chilling with each other.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-27 07:44 ID:w2LWlzk8

New? It's been there for like a few years now hasn't it?

3 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-27 15:20 ID:XZKdUvwc


If you think about it, with the posting rate around here it's no suprise anyone would consider the image 'new'.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-28 23:00 ID:xHINAtRh

amusing since the capcha is yawnment.

I kinda miss the old one - or at least wish we'd get a new pic.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2010-02-07 14:19 ID:9xlzfDfu

>>4 what was the old one?

6 Name: Shii : 2010-02-08 02:21 ID:5+uaW6Vt

It was written in pixel art.

The yacht picture is from when Squeeks went to Thailand.

7 Name: Xu!3GqYIJ3Obs : 2010-02-17 11:37 ID:+wEmLgFW

It looks shweet! I remember when I went to Bangkok, Thailand. I've never went to that part... what part of Thailand is that photo set at?

8 Name: Anonymous : 2010-03-13 19:29 ID:0CFaCgba

It made me think I had misnavigated to some domain-squatter site when I first saw it.

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