Do you love free gifts? Check this out and see for yourself (2)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2010-09-02 15:03 ID:/N5gWmsd

Hello! I'm here to give all of you some groundbreaking advice on how to get the latest gadgets and gifts totally for free, it only takes a little bit of time and effort. This is is absolutely no scam, I have investigated this site thoroughly and there's tons of proof that this is the real deal, plus it's available worldwide!

How does it work? The website gets commissions for people signing up and completing offers(you just have to complete one, and its free). So if you're interested in some free stuff just by putting a little bit of effort into it, this is what you should do:

  1. Sign-up on the site below
  2. Complete ONE offer

^on this I recommend you to do the Intuit 30 day free trial offer, it's totally free and will do the job! It will require you to provide your credit card details, but don't be afraid! These sites are 100% trustworthy, just make sure that when your offer is completed you cancel the 30 day trial, so it won't charge your credit card after the trial is over. (offer should validate within 24hrs)
3. Refer to your friends and make them do the same FREE OFFER
4. Finally you'll be getting a ton of referrals from people who just complete a free offer, which results in a total win-win situation since no one is paying anything but you are able to get the free stuff you want.

If you are interested, here's the website:

If you still don't believe me, just check it out and see for yourself. This is 100% real and you will find the proof.
If you are convinced and have been a witness of a free gift, spread the word!

2 Name: Anonymous : 2010-09-06 06:36 ID:Heaven

I wish I hadn't looked at this thread.

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