Ever get that feeling that you HAVE to do something in order to justify yourself, but have no idea what it should be? Yeah, I'm at that stage right now and could use some input
Current Choices:
A) Finish that Poem I've been fiddling on for the past two years
B) Write that story I've been thinking about for the past year
C) Make an interactive fiction game
D) Make a visual novel
E) Finish an ancient screenplay I was working on
F) Attempt to create thought independent of the brain
G) Hike for three days into the neighboring town
H) [insert choice here]
Well, any of these ideas sound good?
H) Do something for yourself.
C) This thread is now an interactive fiction game.
That calls into question where a self-made decision ever actually begins, as the whole of our consciousness is dictated by reaction. By utilizing language to even ask what >>1 did, he followed the choice of using English to do so. So he may have written his post for himself, but by your logic he was still bound by yet another agent, as said post could not have came into existence without it. Why then should he even bother to say anything, and why should you for that matter, if the actions we make forever operate under an endless hierarchy of influence?
I still think he should follow my suggestion.