So last night my friend and I were browsing /d/. I left to go home around 10 P.M.
This morning, he sends me a message on AIM telling me that he was worried because as he was going from link to link, he clicked one that led him to some loli-type stuff, however he wasn't sure if what he looked at qualified. He was freaking out quite a bit (he has OCD) and linked me it so I could take a look myself. The website he linked me was some sort of fetish website that dealt with diaper fetishes and such. The website itself looked legit (sort of like Kanada's TF art if anyone knows it) but now he's even more worried that because he sent me the link, the FBI is going to arrest him for distribution of CP.
So do you guys think he has to worry at all?
( ・-・) Get one the ground, sir!!
So you guys think he's fine?
So last night my friend and I were browsing /d/.
what is wrong with you? let me expalin.
you have friend
you browse /d/
you browse an image board
you post about it on 4-ch
you have a friend who browses /d/
you browse /d/ with your friend
your friend is going to jail