we should make a 600+ boards. they would have maybe 1 post each inside of them. but this would be ok. it would be our wonderland. 600 boards. 20 users. imagine. going from board to board..finding a post..thinking to your self...this post was for me, this anonymous user wrote this so i would read it. tears would well up on your eyelashes. you would know that you are not alone in this life and that you are well loved. thank you for your considerations
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i agree. having this many boards would make every one of us five feel we are special in the world and that someone out there really cares.
In this thread: geocities
>>2 Anonymous-sama understands very well the world i look forward to seeing soon. . already most boards are dead because 4-ch despite is superiority in the english BBS modeled after 2-ch world still has a very small portion of the market. this being the total of 45 people who browse such websites, we have 5 of them. while we may lack (some myself included would say its a blessing) the stimulus of an image or even an abomination such as a flash board. we have many things to offer the world. and if we had 600+ boards we could fill them up.. just us 5 over the rest of our lives. it would be our life project.
thank you for considerstaions
I believe this belongs in DQN.
I want a police and emergency services board too!
this is also a good idea, please be sure to post your voice of admiration for this noble and honorable idea in the request thread. this is an up and coming idea and it will be a first-serve first-come basis for the 585 new boards to be made. this is your opportunity to invest early and invest hard in this honorable new idea.
please copy your admiration for these thoughts in this thread, thank you!
Oh man, this thread is here too? I better not find it in sports as well...
this thread has nothing to do with sports. it has much to do with dqn, general, internet addicts, net culture. perhaps hobbies? im not sure just yet.
thank you for considering the ideal world i have laid out upon your steps
I have no doubts that this suggestion would destroy 4-ch. Concentration of mass is the real secret to successful net culture. Even now, there are arguably too many boards on 4-ch than optimal.
your use of grammar
"I have no doubts, that this suggestion"
makes me think you're a die-hard loser. a self important prick. a real dick. a pompous fedora wearing fat man in a little coat. you wear a naruto headband around your community college. you do little finger guns and say "bang" and wink at people more often than never. you tip your hat to people. you say things very inappropriate. you think you have assbergers. you stare at a girls cleavage for much longer than appropriate while talking to her. you stutter and make inappropriate jokes in social situations while sweating heavily. when you get back to your man-cave you curse your self for messing it up. you day-dream constantly about the one time someone comes in with a gun and you will beat him up and save the day. i dont much like you.
captcha was :live: something that +600 boards would help 4-ch with.
If you typed out that whole thing, I feel very sorry for you
20? What do you think we are, world4ch?
i did a statistical analytic determination perturbation brownian approximation thingy in my previous post you will see i estimated maybe 5 users totally
my methods were simple i counted each post in this thread (there are 19 now) let this be P so we take P and square it then divide it by 16*P to find the focal point of all posts which means how concentrated they are this is 304 so call this F then take (1/2*F)/P which is 8 which is three more than five but i think it is pretty accurate i subtracted a few just to be sure it looked right
yes this needs to be known and implemented