sup general (3)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2011-07-14 23:43 ID:lGwjZ6c0

You see people posting pix and talking crap saying how much money they make doing surveys. Screw surveys, I used to spend my time on chans as a "/b/ tard", but I got owned hard in life and had to scramble for a way to make money quick. I dumped everything I had into making money online and trying programs and it was the best decision I ever made because I'm set for years right now. I made almost 100 grand since April and that's without referring anyone. I'm getting checks now that were too high for me to dream up last year. Talk smack, say I'm full of shit, whatever you want. If you want to take a chance, check out the 11 sites I used to save my frickin life.

I'm nothing special, in fact I was a loser when I started succeeding. I'm not even going to bump this thread. Look at it or don't, but what I say is the real deal.

One last thought, even if you want to go the fully free route on all of these, just set it up for on the site and through email. Check the site 5 times a day and your email too. Click all the ads possible and you'll bank roll it. I didn't pay for these sites until I got my first check from "2 dollar ads". Then I started getting real money! Try it out for a while. Good luck all.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2011-07-15 03:07 ID:c1R1VnkH

aging the guy who thinks sitting on your ass while letting money roll in counts as "succeeding" in the world

3 Name: Anonymous : 2011-07-15 08:06 ID:Heaven

mods del plz

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