Need help (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2011-07-26 09:20 ID:YzZ+88CB

Hi everyone.

I'll tell you a sad story.

I'm poor, i know, have internet and somethings, but basically i'm poor.

Hardly can pay somethings.

Last week was my country, and only asked for some thing, this game

Really love this game, look pretty awesome, but i can't pay it, and this make me so sad.

Please, help me get it.

Really, i'll thankful with all.

Yes, i'm for another country, no Japan, no U.S.A, English isn't my native language.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2011-07-26 09:22 ID:YzZ+88CB

oh sry, i don't mean "Last week was my country" rather "was my birthday"

3 Name: Anonymous : 2011-08-04 12:49 ID:S5NO1tQH

make a paypal account and we can all chip in from 0.99$ if 15 of us do it you can get it.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2011-08-05 01:16 ID:V5sVIdbA

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