What do you want for Christmas? [GIFTS] (13)

6 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-14 07:00 ID:Z6vZY/vN

No kidding? Now that I think about it, you were the guy who posted about it in Tech Support. Small BBS. I wasn't the poster of that thread, but thanks for posting it.

I put socks on my list because all of mine were getting holes in them, but I was given them early because I needed them so obviously. Christmas is a time for holy things, but even my socks? Jeez.

On an unrelated note, we just got the tree a few days ago. I got to decorate it with my girlfriend's family while we listened to a Frank Sinatra Christmas album. Her grandmother sung, in Latin, "Come All Ye Faithful." Her pitch is completely gone nowadays but it was still a good memory. During moments like that, it's hard not to feel the joy of the season. First snow of December today, too.

Anyone else have their trees up yet?

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