Paintball! (5)

1 Name: MJP!b3mykDRf0E : 2006-06-15 03:56 ID:FULMusVf

So who here plays paintball?

I'm heading down to Skirmish for the Normandy Invasion scenario in mid-July. I used to play and had to get out since I was in college and couldn't really afford it.

I used to shoot a Spyder 2000 off of a remote and a Thunder Pig barrel. It did OK, but it was tough to customize due to the fact that Spyders then had metric hexes and those threw things off. Plus the Kingman offset screws for DFs and ASAs didn't help either.

I later purchased a Black Dragun for a song and never got a chance to shoot it.

I'd kill a human being for an SP-8 in Urban. Those look so cool and the functionality is pretty sweet as well.

2 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2006-06-15 07:57 ID:35Ktey6y

>I'm heading down to Skirmish for the Normandy Invasion scenario in mid-July


3 Name: MJP!b3mykDRf0E : 2006-06-15 13:08 ID:Heaven

4 Post deleted by moderator.

5 Name: hotaro : 2007-02-12 19:20 ID:B09kJCRw

haha! u got paint on ur dick~!!!!! so go fuck a pig!!!

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