A question about fighting (24)

12 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-03-27 12:49 ID:yfW/bPAw

Well the basic principles of the Sound of Hand Clapping Over Ear stance involves the notion of pressure points. Along with your temple and eyes, your ear is one of the most deadliest places that you could apply pressure to. You see, our ear has inside it, a delicate membrane called the tympanic membrane. The function of this membrane is mainly to vibrate with sound waves that enter the ear. It is greatly important to keep the air pressure on either side of this membrane equal. Normally, this would be the job of the Eustachian tube. However in certain cases, the Eustachian tube is not effective enough to do such a job (ie. When the Sound of Hand Clapping Over Ear stance is applied). In this situation, when the disequilibrium of air pressure is allowed to continue, the tympanic membrane will be unable to handle such a strain and will rupture. Following this, the ossicles in the middle ear will collapse from the constant ringing, which escalates until the entire auditory system implodes. Internal bleeding will soon result, and the fate of the victim will be obvious then.

Such techniques are formidable weapons. You should only ever use them in the last resort situation, where you have to protect the ones you love. Use it wisely.

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