Does anyone know where i can learn to play DADGAD tuned guitar..?
Anyone else play? Tips? etc
Very seldom, try learning it yourself and become an innovator! :D
Sonic Youth probably use it.
It is great for blues/slide. I like it!
A lot of great guitarists started on their own. Maybe make up your own songs?
A lot of Led Zeppelin songs use that tuning, from what I hear. Check the Led Zeppelin tab books in your local music store to see if they have any songs in DADGAD tuning.
serach on google for songs with the tuning. like dadgad tuned songs and you can possibly find a list of them.
Laurence Juber plays DADGAD. Very good instructional DVD's on his site
Just do a dadgad search on youtube and you'll see a list of song you can learn to cover.