I started to learn street magics and card magics. and it's preety cool.
I'm thinking into learning card tricks. Ones that are actually impressive, not those with just basic tricks that anyone can do but ones that require some practice.
The downside is that it requires some practice, and I don't really feel like spending lots of time manipulating cards right now.
I think you better check out Ellusionist.com
....the gathering?
I prefer http://www.mallusionist.com/
Behold! I have made >>6-8 disappear, without a trace, into thin air!
Now you may compensate me for this extraordinary display of guile and sleight of hand.
wingardium leviosa
I came here hoping for magic and all I found was illusion. Teaches me right to get my hopes up in /hobby anyway.
I know all magics.
Except for the sacred sage of power, that is
Now you know, and knowing is half the battle...
Welcome to the world of Harry T. Stone. :)
I am the grea Mage......i can summon a monster that can destroy the earth, lmao......
Magic? Yeah and i am Santa Claws and Moses, really.
I was into magic once. I tend to lack the dedication to move ahead with hobbies however. I can make a wicked card pyramid that takes two decks of cards. I felt proud of myself for that feat.
On another note: I once met a magician and told him that I wanted to be one when I gre up. He told me that I can't do both. Makes sense I guess
Fuck off.
magic is the most mind numbing and inane thing to practice by yourself, especially those that require you to look in a mirror as a reference point...
David Copperfield has incorporated making women disappear into his acts. If that's the kind of magic you're into, then go right ahead.
Making women disappear isn't so hard. You just need a cloth and some chloroform, and a bit of strength.
> David Copperfield has incorporated making women disappear...
...backstage where he tries to bone them while his security guards keep their boyfriends out...
> ...into his acts.
Not too far off the mark, is it now?
It's no coincidence that Mystery is also a magician.
Magic? Cyril Takayama! FUCK YEAH
I worked as a street magician for about 8 years, it's fun as long as you remember it's supposed to be fun. And learning how to get them to actually pay you is the hardest part.
I got to hang out with Cellini for a coupla months, that was really educational.