Anyone is into magic? (32)

1 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-03-09 22:51 ID:+3nclju5

I started to learn street magics and card magics. and it's preety cool.

2 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-03-09 23:14 ID:FT8vwdUh

I'm thinking into learning card tricks. Ones that are actually impressive, not those with just basic tricks that anyone can do but ones that require some practice.

The downside is that it requires some practice, and I don't really feel like spending lots of time manipulating cards right now.

3 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-03-10 11:29 ID:+3nclju5

I think you better check out

4 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-07-19 03:08 ID:yZDeiy0i

....the gathering?

5 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-07-19 04:14 ID:oHUx9ehm

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