being fluent in japanese (38)

19 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-07-21 21:35 ID:uYG46htd

They will if you speak Japanese. Seriously, the myths created about Japan 10 or so years ago are mostly wrong now. The only reason gaijin aren't allowed in things anymore is because they are afraid you will screw things up. But if you speak fluently, all is well.

Keep up the hard work. I have been studying Japanese for the past two years and while I am also no where near fluent I can definitely speak quickly, especially when it's something simple. This may sound stupid, but watch as much Japanese stuff as you can. And pay attention to the way they speak and what they say. Honestly, half of the reason why I can speak with almost no accent is because I say Hokuto no Ken lines to myself at random times during the day. Learning Japanese is just like learning any language, try to immerse yourself in it!

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