[Looking for Group] With our powers combined... Otakings! [Garage Sales] (53)

47 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-05-04 22:40 ID:DzrYP3aF

Writing is easy, and if nothing else we could always team-wiki write.

First of all, we need to decide on which concept we're going with.

>let's make (1) a game that (2) features a hikkikomori that people can relate to "learn from" and that (3) also contains music and voice acting.
>I think the game should be about Grandpa and Junior.

The first idea was mine, so I would probably do more to support it, but if anyone else has any other ideas, we might come up with something better.

General plan of attack:

  1. Come up with a good concept, that can by contributed to by people with various talents, and that we can come up with a lot of material for.
  2. Brainstorm/elaborate on this concept. i.e. figure out events we want to have, characters, plot pieces, etc.
  3. Start a wiki. This way we can keep track of character stats/profiles, and easily flesh out concepts. Eventually, we could finish writing a route of a story. (If we go with the hikki idea, I'm thinking we can have multiple characters to play as, and a route for each.)
  4. Somewhat after the start of 3. we can start with character designs and trying to find a game engine that fits our needs.
  5. After we finish with say, one route we can start making the music and illustrations to fit this route. This step will probably be the longest.
  6. ???
  7. Profit.
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