Am I trying too much? (13)

1 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-12-03 05:23 ID:uQ216qxc

I think I have too many hobbies on my hand.

  1. Gundam modelling, minimum once a week because I rarely have the time on weekdays and sometimes i don't do it at all in a week.
  2. 3D modelling, I got the program a while ago and still trying to figure out how to use it.
  3. Art, i try to draw as often as I can but it ends up that I rarely draw.
  4. Board games and video games, I rarely play at all.
  5. Anime and japanese shows - I do this minimum once a day.

What do you think?

2 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-12-03 17:23 ID:TSxEUstN

Is the problem that you feel you're spreading yourself too thin, and thus devoting less time to each hobby and decreasing the pleasure that each gives to you?

On one hand, you do have five things going on at once, but on the other hand, you have two hobbies that you do regularly, one that you do only semi-regularly, one that you're trying to get into still, and one that you rarely even follow. The most important question in all of this is "Is it manageable?" I think that will help you determine whether or notyou are "trying too much".

3 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-12-03 18:47 ID:lVdRR9VT

I just focus on one hobby for 1-5 days, before touching another. It feels a lot better to get a good chunk of things done at once then bits and pieces of each.

4 Name: bookee : 2008-05-27 07:55 ID:SNxEOROt

It's cool that you're into a lot of things. But I guess you just need to spread out your time to each of you're hobbies.

5 Name: sho o suteyo machi e deyou!!kbKVW9FO : 2008-10-18 04:35 ID:yVk8SY14

It doesn't hurt to have lots of interests. But if you feel that you don't have time for everything, perhaps it's time to think about what is most important to you and make time for that.

6 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-11-29 06:22 ID:FwEdyzj4

Just do what you want and let go of what you don't want. you can always step back later.

7 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2008-12-04 16:16 ID:Heaven

You are trying too much.

8 Name: hai : 2009-03-18 18:49 ID:ou2mXoQ6

i've heard in management there is a rule of three. you can't do more than three projects at a time efficiently and satisfactory. might want to pick two and really get down to it. may i suggest loosing the games unless they are social games? have fun. matane

9 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2009-04-06 22:03 ID:4TGIcPME

if it's a hobby you shouldn't be counting the number of hours you devote to it, indeed, if you do, thats not a hobby thats work, eat right, make excercise, socialize, be a good student and, if you're over 15, smoke pot and chase chicks/guys ,both?

10 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2009-04-06 22:03 ID:4TGIcPME

if it's a hobby you shouldn't be counting the number of hours you devote to it, indeed, if you do, thats not a hobby thats work, eat right, make excercise, socialize, be a good student and, if you're over 15, smoke pot and chase chicks/guys ,both?

11 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2009-04-10 04:31 ID:YCgSMmuh

Boardgames are good, since socializing with human beings is involved. Particularly if you make an effort to play with different groups of people - playing with the same small group every single time loses a lot of the socialization aspect.

12 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2009-05-04 02:48 ID:D0zUMr/y

stop most of those hobbies. get a gf, work save play. and learn to lift your own bodyweight. it might come in useful one day

13 Name: rhyce : 2009-06-19 00:59 ID:0qnKbeea

I personally think that all your hobbies are okay, as long as you're satisfied with your life now and your hobbies aren't getting in the way of your personal/social life, schoolwork(if any), your job, etc. :) But like the other people above said, if you have something you want to focus on, it might be better to put some of your hobbies aside for other ones.

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