I need to find a hobby. (14)

1 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2010-07-26 13:50 ID:4gJn5sXB

I have no skills or talent.

How does one gain a hobby?

2 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2010-07-27 01:47 ID:jWVMoJjh

just go with your friends and see if you like it... you don't have to have skills or talent to enjoy something you like... just do whatever you feel like and enjoy doing it;that's a hobby.

3 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2010-07-28 04:58 ID:csDVJtKA

What are your interests? Perhaps you can go from there?

4 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2010-07-29 10:56 ID:S5Ao8Hsw

no need to have skills or talent for your hobby.

to write something at 4ch... is your hobby, you can say that.

5 Post deleted.

6 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2010-08-13 23:43 ID:u07rGW+E

the academic community has reached a general consensus that skill and talent are most frequently the results of the tens of thousands of hours spent on an activity. Don't worry about what you're good at, focus on what you like to do. After a few weeks you will certainly notice improvement. So go paint, write music, shoot at targets, or play frisbee golf with the mindset that -you will get better-

7 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2010-08-25 03:40 ID:l6eMQ/sE

How about chess ?
It's nice for otaku to learn enthusiastically.
Go chess.com!

8 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2010-08-31 15:28 ID:panXlGC5

Let's bet horse racing!

9 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2010-11-04 14:56 ID:Ia7krGso

Start gambling.

10 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2010-11-17 11:01 ID:C6Mg7Un/

Do something, anything, and work to become good at it. Could be knitting or mathematics. Just do stuff!

11 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2010-11-28 02:25 ID:vm7Xt02E

Just like the other ones encourage you to do anything, I agree. A tip however, is to separate productive hobbies (making/learning stuff, learn instruments, make music, paint, build stuff) from non-productive hobbies (consuming stuff, watching TV, reading books etc).

Usually productive hobbies are more fun to engage in, since you'll get a feeling of fulfillment when creating stuff, while non-productive hobbies after a while will leave you with a "what am I doing with my life?!"-feeling. Coincidentally, with a productive hobby you'll learn stuff that you can put to good use while non-productive hobbies usually have a small learning curve.

That said, non-productive hobbies are not worthless, they can be inspiring and be useful in tons of different ways, productive hobbies are however usually more fun... you can of course have several hobbies ;P

Also note that all hobbies can't really be sorted in these two categories. Like hiking, traveling, touring (on a bike maybe?), skydiving, diving etcetera. While some of these are clearly non-productive you'll still learn a lot from doing it.

The important part is doing something you find interesting and fun, if it's productive or not is less important.

12 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2011-09-08 07:08 ID:WkfWUJLZ

Try picking up ukulele and playing it. It's fun. Really it is. It beats playing the guitar, at least for me.

13 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2012-06-10 14:12 ID:e3Hn3cxB

Just find something you like.

May I suggest videogames?

14 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2012-07-27 19:12 ID:Heaven


I was with you till you put reading into your non-productive hobbies list. At which point my eyes glazed over and all your words turned into "this guy is a retard". Reading is the #1 hobby a human can take up, the entire human experience is locked in books. You can learn everything from books, math, chemistry, physics, gardening, home improvement, programming, poetry, all of it. Don't lump reading in with watching TV, don't lump it in with doing something pointless like snowboarding or painting either though.

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