How to make friends on the internet? (52)

37 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-01-18 04:40 ID:RxbKbQYP

That sounds kinda plastic.
"Use and recycle".

And if you get TOO "famous" in a forum-like environment everyone is going to start throwing feces on you in order to feed their ego.
If you keep a TOO low profile or simply lack a personality everyone will just ignore you.
If you are "cool" you'll have to keep up the act or everyone might start to dislike you.
Most internet forums or whatever follows a hierarchy.. the older members are often the ones younger more insecure members stick up to. Because they see what older members, or members that simply wants to chill and discuss life maan, like >>34 share.
Small forums like >>34' would be ideal.

That's my thought and experience on the subject.

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