Scenario: You are applying for a customer service and/or sales clerk position at BB (or a similar store.)
Keep in mind:
-This job requires lots of daily people interaction. You need to be a bubbly, talkative, people person. gasp
-It's not a management position. You need follower skills, not management skills.
-Possible answers are Strongly disagree, Disagree, Agree, and Strongly agree. However, my research indicates that Strongly is worth 2 points while without is only worth one. Therefore, without Strongly you can only get a max of 50%. Thus, all answers really have to be strongly. (So there is only yes or no.)
-You will do anything to help out your workplace, even at the cost of dying. Thus, you won't allow people to steal, etc.
-You don't want them to catch you in lies, either by answering the same sort of question two different ways or by answering a absolute question wrong such as "I never tell a lie!" -everybody has to answer "Strongly disagree" to this one.
D = Strongly disagree with question
A = Strongly agree with question
? = No idea how I'm supposed to interpret this. Input, please.
Here we go, if you think any questions should be answered differently, just include those questions in your post. No need quoting the whole thing:
You love to be with people A
You like to plan things before you start to do them ?
-- I would agree, as this is normally thought of as a good quality. However, would they like this quality in a sales grunt?
You are proud of the work you do at school or on a job A
You think of yourself as being very sensible A
You are more relaxed than strict about finishing things on time ?
-- I would agree... but would a "people person?"
You change from feeling happy to sad without any reason D
When you need to, you take it easy at work ?
-- When I need to... no. If they tell me to, and thus I need to... guess I would. I would probably disagree, though
You like to talk a lot A
You don't worry about making a good impression ?
-- Do people people have to worry a lot about making a good impression, or do they just do it?
You would rather not get involved in other people's problems D
You say whatever is on your mind ?
-- I would disagree... but would people people?
You get angry more often than nervous D
You have confidence in yourself A
There are some people you really can't stand D
People do a lot of things that make you angry D
You like to be in the middle of a big crowd A
Right now, you care more about having fun than being serious at school or work ?
-- both are important, but I would disagree.
It bothers you a long time when someone is unfair to you D
You agree with people more than you argue A
When people make mistakes, you correct them ?
-- I would disagree... but would people people?
You swear when you argue D
People who talk all the time are annoying D
There's no use having close friends; they always let you down D
It bothers you when you have to obey a lot of rules D
You have no big worries A
You work best at a slow but steady speed D
You love to listen to people talk about themselves A
Many people cannot be trusted D
You do some things that upset people A
You have no big regrets about your past ?
-- No, no big regrets. But everone has some. I would agree with this, but they might think it conflicts with one coming up, "You look back and feel bad about things you've done."
You were absent very few days from high school A
It's fun to go out to events with big crowds A
Your stuff is often kind of messy D
You'd rather not compete very much ?
-- Is this good or bad? I would think they like competition... not sure, though.
You do not fake being polite ?
-- Do they want someone who doesn't mind faking politeness, or someone who's naturally polite? Depending on how you look at it, this could be a A or a D
You have always had good behavior in school or work A
You don't care if you offend people D
You are not interested in your friends' problems D
You always try not to hurt people's feelings A
You are a fairly private person D
When you are annoyed with something, you say so ?
-- Again, tdoes choosing "disagree" contradict with their idea of a people person, IE. the idea worker?
Your friends and family approve of the things you do A
You have to give up on some things that you start A
You avoid arguments as much as possible A
People do a lot of annoying things D
It is maddening when the court lets guilty criminals go free ?
-- lol, wut? I would disagree
You hate to give up if you can't solve a hard problem A
You know when someone is in a bad mood, even if they don't show it A
You can wait patiently for a long time A
You are unsure of what to say when you meet someone D
You like to take frequent breaks when working on something difficult ?
-- not too frequent... Probably should choose disagree
You finish your work no matter what ?
-- "no matter what?" I think this is one of those only one answer questions.
You look back and feel bad about things you've done A
You ignore people you don't like D
You don't believe a lot of what people say D
Your moods are steady from day to day A
When your friends need help, they call you first D
You don't care what people think of you ?
-- I do... but do people people AKA, their idea workers?
When you go someplace, you are never late D
You get mad at yourself when you make mistakes D
You are always cheerful ?
-- It's impossible to be always cheeful... is this a tarp?
You make more sensible choices than careless ones A
You are unsure of yourself with new people D
You give direct criticism when you need to ?
-- disagree... but would people people?
You are careful not to offend people A
You could describe yourself as 'tidy' A
You like to be alone D
When someone treats you badly, you ignore it A
You chat with people you don't know A
Other people's feelings are their own business D
Slow people make you impatient D
You would rather work on a team than by yourself A
It is easy for you to feel what others are feeling A
People are often mean to you D
You do not like small talk D
You've done your share of troublemaking A
Any trouble you have is your own fault ?
-- No idea.
You are a friendly person A
You do what you want, no matter what others think D
It is hard to really care about work when the job is boring D
You have friends, but don't like them to be too close D
When you are done with your work, you look for more to do A
You criticize people when they deserve it D
You sometimes thought seriously about quitting high school D
You do not like to meet new people D
You are not afraid to tell someone off D
You try to sense what others are thinking and feeling A
You don't work too hard because it doesn't pay off anyway D
You do things carefully so you don't make mistakes A
You could not deal with difficult people all day D
You do not like to take orders D
You rarely act without thinking A
People's feelings are sometimes hurt by what you say A
You are somewhat of a thrill-seeker ?
-- No idea.
Wow, that was long. I'll probably read it soon. 2GET!
They probably don't want people too overzealous about thieves, most store's insurance will not cover you if you end up hurt chasing a guy.