Hey, It's my birthday. Gimme something. (14)

1 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-02-22 20:11 ID:GjvRu48s

You heard me.

2 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-02-22 20:55 ID:Heaven

(°∀°)⊃旦      Here's some tea for starters.

3 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-02-22 23:53 ID:mGeVmir2

happy birthday. here are some bytes for you

3w4 3490i34i4t 90 8890us5yt;34t 5rtg v['90[rg i90 89r5t u890u 5890u 34t 9u8j734t 980u54rt 980u 54y 89u 54t r90 56 9 856 8i8 tgv598j 5gitgrfio;joxgko;jksdfxiogjjio;htjiothrtgu8ji8iijhorg 9054t 90 tgfjntgfi9puj5ety900ze5y 98u5y 90 6tyh 9u8 rt6 hb

4 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-02-23 11:21 ID:EVa9gyu4

I give you breath from my lungs!

5 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-02-23 22:04 ID:U3L5Ec0a

I give you sloppy kisses!

6 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-02-24 01:11 ID:/7UAok14

Ooo, i think i'll use a section of that string as my new password :3 ::steals a part of >>1's birthday pressie::

7 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-02-24 01:25 ID:Heaven

>>6 must've chose "org" from that string, because it reminds him of "orgasm", and he's naughty that way!
Oh wrong thread.

8 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-02-24 01:42 ID:iFUyH6ng

say what day is it?

9 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-02-24 03:15 ID:J2e0N3IC

>>1's birthday!

10 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-02-28 20:05 ID:E5s/4/b2

Thanks. You may now eat cake and ice cream. Now, how about the rest of you?...

11 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-03-01 22:51 ID:S3jWWNrs

You can have my tripcode #trappedloli

12 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-03-02 04:32 ID:lfFPujfL

I'm sorry, I forgot to get your present. One sec, she's just in the closet...

13 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-03-03 00:47 ID:pca/iQT+

lol, I'm an idiot, I was idling in IRC instead of wishing you a habby birthday here.

Happy birthday!

14 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-03-03 06:23 ID:Heaven

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