The real problem that is causing these malformed URLs to redirect to Microsoft lies in google's page ranking algorithm.
Through some (possibly malicious) means, the top result for the search term http is Microsoft's web site. Aside from causing confusion, this is also somewhat absurd, since Microsoft is neither the creator, nor maintainer of the HyperText Transfer Protocol. Realistically, the search term should return the World Wide Web Consortium's page on the HTTP protocol. Currently, the w3c is ranked second for the search term.
The solution to this problem is simple. By abusing Google's own page-rank algorithm, the correct web site can be brought to its rightful position. All that's needed is for a large enough population of people to embed the following HTML into blogs, message boards, and personal home pages:
<a href="">HTTP</a>
this is really fucking retarded fyi
No need to post a thread in every forum for this. Just post it sagingly in old dead threads.
Why are you linking to instead of, that already was 2nd ranked?
because that's what says to link to.
But then you would just be raising up on page rank and not Logically at least.
The Robots have taken me. Please send help.
Seems like wasted effort trying to bring, when only needed a little push
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