ITT we appreciate IAA (33)

1 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-03-29 22:39 ID:D/zf6BZ0

I appreciate this board.

2 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-03-29 22:55 ID:T1KFfvoM

So do I!

3 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-03-29 23:06 ID:TI3cLXyQ

Me too!

4 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-03-29 23:34 ID:+ruwhDmx

I love this board

5 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-03-30 01:45 ID:ATGYejDt

( ゚ ヮ゚) I like IAA!

6 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-03-30 03:04 ID:Zrria03F

IAA! ❤

7 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-03-30 07:37 ID:Heaven


8 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-03-30 08:29 ID:FzYmxQFw


9 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-03-31 07:51 ID:2q0JSUVp

What's IAA?

10 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-03-31 08:32 ID:Abx2mIAM

You're standing in it. ♥

11 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-03-31 15:14 ID:tMJ0qlc+


  ♥ ♥
 ♥ ♥ ♥
♥    ♥

  ♥ ♥
 ♥ ♥ ♥
♥    ♥

12 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-04-02 22:14 ID:Heaven


13 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-04-03 07:57 ID:vzswmXAl


14 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-04-06 23:56 ID:TI3cLXyQ

( ゚ ヮ゚) I like mittens!

15 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-04-10 05:23 ID:BSGUKeLV

( ゚ -゚) Does 4-ch die? For true and for real?

16 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-04-10 19:55 ID:pCuLgAbv

SA Lives on and on and on and on...

17 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-04-11 04:09 ID:se4FHiNA

what's SA?

18 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-04-11 13:40 ID:YAwXPimy

south america VIVA BURMA!

19 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-04-11 15:09 ID:20yqiWa5

You have Three Weeks to appreciate IAA; GET BUSSY!

20 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-04-11 16:08 ID:s7IrvqmE

( ゚ Д゚) love is over

21 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-04-12 11:36 ID:FzYmxQFw

Oh noes! I haven't appreciated IAA enough! And only three weeks to do it?!!!

22 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-04-12 13:11 ID:svxWl6iT


The phrase "O RLY?" was first popularised on Internet forums in mid-2003 as one of many phrases that arose during a Something Awful Forums fad of compressing words by removing unnecessary letters. The earliest publicly viewable archives of its use date from somewhat later, but older uses exist in the registration-only complete forum archives. Something Awful users created the first image macros using the phrase, but these did not include (registration required) the now ubiquitous Snowy Owl image.

The owl image macro comes from 4chan, where for a short while, the word "repost" was wordfiltered to "owl"[1]. The photo was taken by nature photographer John White.[2]. The image originated on the gaming and chat boards at IGN and was brought to the random board, /b/, at 4chan by an anonymous poster. There, the already popular "O RLY?" phrase was photoshopped in.

The owl image macro quickly became popular on 4chan, and then spread to many other community websites such as Fark and YTMND, spawning many more image macros involving owls. The frequent posting of the O RLY? owl has annoyed some webmasters to the point that the posting of it on some message boards will result in a user ban.

23 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-04-12 19:48 ID:TQqV+wYx

Something Awful, sometimes abbreviated to SA, is a comedy website based in the United States. It houses a variety of content, such as instant messaging pranks, digitally edited pictures, and humorous negative reviews of various forms of media. In addition, it has a very active set of forums, which in later years have grown remarkably. Historically, it has been a force in the promotion and creation of various Internet phenomena, which in recent months has led to conflict with the site eBaum's World

24 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-04-12 20:59 ID:Heaven

eBaum's World (subtitled "Media for the Masses") is a popular website featuring entertainment media such as videos, Flash cartoons and web games. It is highly controversial for many reasons, primarily due to the fact that nearly all of the website's content is taken from other sources without permission and then rebranded with the eBaum's World logo.

25 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-04-13 03:18 ID:Heaven

Wikipedia (IPA: [/ˌwɪkiˈpiːdi.ə/] or [/ˌwiki-/]) is a multilingual Web-based free-content encyclopedia. It exists as a wiki, and thus is written collaboratively by volunteers, allowing most articles to be changed by anyone with access to a web browser and an Internet connection. The project began on January 15, 2001, as a complement to the expert-written (and now defunct) Nupedia, and is now operated by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. Wikipedia has more than 3,700,000 articles in many languages, including more than 1,000,000 in the English-language version. Since its inception, Wikipedia has steadily risen in popularity,[1] and has spawned several sister projects. Editors are required to uphold a policy of "neutral point of view" under which notable perspectives are summarized without an attempt to determine an objective truth.

26 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-04-16 19:10 ID:x2VZPb20

ITT we appreciate IAA

27 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-04-16 23:06 ID:Heaven

IAA is a TLA that may stand for:

  • I am alive (disaster support system)
  • Identification, authentication and authorization
  • Immigration Appellate Authority (UK)
  • IMSA Alumni Association (
  • Indianapolis Airport Authority
  • Indian Association of Alberta
  • Indole-3-acetic acid (plant hormone)
  • Inflammatory aortic aneurysm
  • Information Age Associates (
  • Information Appliance Associates
  • Infrarenal aortic aneurysm
  • Institute for Academic Access
  • Institute for Alternative Agriculture
  • Institute for Applied Autonomy
  • Instituto de Arqueología Amazónica
  • Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (
  • Insulin autoantibody
  • Insurance Application Architecture
  • Intel Application Accelerator
  • Interactive Amusement Association
  • Interlochen Arts Academy
  • International Academy of Astronautics
  • International Actuarial Association
  • Inter-National Adoption Alliance
  • International Advertising Association
  • International Airport of Atyrau
  • International Alpaca Association
  • International Ammunition Association
  • International Art Academy (
  • International Association for Aerobiology
  • International Association of Astacology
  • Internationale Automobil-Ausstellung (
  • Internet Applications Architecture
  • Interrupted aortic arch
  • Irish Aviation Authority (
  • Irrigation Association of Australia
  • Islamic Action Association
  • Islamic Army of Aden
  • Islamic Association of Australia
  • Israel Advertising Association
  • Israel Antiquities Authority
  • Israel Airports Authority
  • IAA Aerospace Group

28 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-05-24 02:29 ID:v7Fsaaj3

Yeah. This board is great. I love you guys.

29 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-05-24 05:37 ID:HeyJ1Nk0

>Something Awful, sometimes abbreviated to SA, is a comedy website based in the United States.

It is unfortunately not even slightly funny.

>It houses a variety of content, such as instant messaging pranks, digitally edited pictures, and humorous negative reviews of various forms of media.

Mostly it's just "HAY LOK AT TEH FUREEZ LOL!1 DUME HOUS!!!"

>In addition, it has a very active set of forums, which in later years have grown remarkably.

So does GameFAQs. This isn't necessarily a good thing.

>Historically, it has been a force in the promotion and creation of various Internet phenomena, which in recent months has led to conflict with the site eBaum's World

Which is also boring, predictable and unfunny for different reasons.

30 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-05-24 14:15 ID:Heaven

>>29 is one of those anonymous elitists.

31 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-05-24 18:33 ID:TI3cLXyQ

>>29 is +10 insightful though.

32 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-05-25 15:50 ID:Heaven

That is really irrelevant because everything he said is true

33 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-05-27 16:43 ID:Heaven

>>29 will never have :10bux:

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