"all your base"
Those are just the tip of the iceberg; if you think for a minute, you can see that almost ALL of the humour that has floated around the internet since the dawn of goatse has originated from SA.
ITT we enumerate it, and appreciate it.
SA is a terrible site.
SA is responsible for 90% of the internet's culture; if you don't like it, GTFO SA's internet!
> SA is responsible for 90% of the internet's culture;
> if you don't like it, GTFO SA's internet!
SA should GTFO MY internet!
SA banned me for typing 'teh' too much and repeating all the catchphrases I could think of as much as possible.
>> SA is responsible for 90% of the internet's culture;
>SA banned me for typing 'teh' too much and repeating all the catchphrases I could think of as much as possible.
SA gives, SA takes away. Just be glad some1@SA thought up 'teh' in the first place!
It's obvious now that you're just trolling, but you still show a good point. SA takes way to much credit.
I have to admit though, there are few things from SA that made me lough. But there are a few things from other communities that made me lough too. SA just screams "WE MADE THIS" so loud, that you actually notice where it's form.
I just woke up orz
"...almost ALL of the humour that has floated around the internet since the dawn of goatse has originated from SA."
LOL dream on.
This thread is about Internet forumgoers discussing other Internet forums.
Who cares?
A good reason to hate SA forever (although there are plenty of others.)
>>11 No 4chan, no 4-ch; it was the first(, and still the best!!) in the western world!
Really, as someone who appreciates his time on the internet, it's disconcerting to realise that everything goes back to SA.
Does Densha Otoko go back to SA? No. Do other foreign memes go? No. Stop thinking that the internet is only an English/American/Anglo-Saxon place.
>>14 FAILS! Actually it's Anglo-Saxon, not Norman. The English-speaking world is referred to as the Anglo-Saxon world.
>>13 FAILS! I specified "the western" wrld. Yes, the japanese have their own thing going on; but who cares? I don't think they even have memes in iran, iraq, germany and france (fucking savages).
>>16 FAILS! There are memes in other Western countries SA isn't responsible for, like German, Finnish, Russian ones, etc...
>>17 FAILS! Scat is not a meme, Russians are too busy selling cp and fins don't have anywhere in their igloos to plug in computers!
>>18 FAILS! I'm a Finn and for some odd reason I've found a socket for my computer in my igloo...
>The English-speaking world is referred to as the Anglo-Saxon world.
that doesn't mean it's right. modern english is closer to norman than it is to anglo-saxon.
Anglo-Saxon/Norman = English speakers? Speaking English has nothing to do with race, just say "English-speaking community/population/whatever"
Thread summary:
In every corner bad english is spoke, there will be someone dispensing toilet humor with a (c)SomethingAwful label
I think 4-ch would have existed without 4chan, something had to replace world2ch
EXACTLY! which proves that SA is the root of all net.culture!
>The Anglo-Saxon language was the mother of our modern English language.
middle english was the mother of modern english.
SA sucks, fag.
...and Anglo-Saxon (=Old English) was the mother of Middle English.
( __ )
( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and I'd like to dedicate 30GET to Something Awful!
(つ つ
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That's so cute. That's so cute. No really. No rlly. wat
∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧
( ・∀・) ( `ー´) ( ´∀`) ( ゚ ∀゚ ) ( ^∀^)
( つ┳∪━━∪━∪━━∪━∪━∪━┳⊂ つ
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(__)_) ┻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┻ (__)_) For real this time
your neckbeard is showing
wut are u takling aboot?
I think he means your posting style betrays your status as a shut-in, even on the IAA board.
I ignore that website and don't care about it.
As long as I'm posting ITT, though, I am pretty sure JeffK predates Something Awful. JeffK used to have a website on PlanetQuake, long before... well, before I had heard of Something Awful, anyway.
Not as fail as your mom.
Didn't Lowtax get fired from there before SA?
The internets say 'forced to resign from his job at PlanetQuake for writing a derogatory website update about a fellow employee'