I forgot to wear pants
I forgot to wash my hands after pooing
I forgot to take my child with me from the hospital after I had given him birth. (==^_______^==)
I forgot to buy food. I'm hungry.
True story.
I forgot how to shot web. Please tell me how.
I forgot about Cover Tom. Until I remembered it.
I forgot about http://becauseitswinter.com
Until my mood brightened.
I forgot my mother didn't love me.
Until she threw a chair at me.
What are we talking about, again?
I know! Mittens!
( ゚ ヮ゚) I like Mittens!
Tell me what happened in Yoshinoya, inquiring minds want to know.
I'm not Anonymous, but I play one on TV.
( ゚ ヮ゚) I got extra mittens!
The real question is this: SHOULD Internet Addicts exist?
>>20 NO! But neither should User Friendly; and that's not stopping them!
I forgot how communicate using the internet. Discuss
I forgot the magic
You forgot that you need to believe in your cards AND in yourself.
You forgot that you need to believe in the dealer too.
In Soviet Russia, IAA forgets YOU existed!
I forgot that Soviet Russia existed, and I wish you hadn't reminded me.
The U.S.S.R. had too many initials.
In Soviet Russia, Board finds YOU !!
I forgot how many initials there are in the U.S.S.R.
Two too many.