I want to spend less time online (18)

9 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2006-10-08 00:20 ID:tCvaRoaE

best way to do it man is by completey changing your environment

once you graduate from school and either go to work/college/university you will be alot busier.

plus if you go to college(america) or university(europe) then you'll have to learn how to look after yourself, like buying food and stuff, you will learn alot, and you will be very busy, and the addiction of internet will just pass your mind, the desire won't even be there anymore

just enjoy your free time at the moment, it would be cool if i had the time these days to just sit back and play around.
don't see it as a bad thing, just see it as your doing something because you don't have much better alternatives.

your time will come when you overcome it, you'll be okay dude

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