I remember there being some program, it was called Folder Guard or something, which could hide your folders. Now with hide I don't mean just make invisible, but they stayed hidden no matter how you searched for them, even in a DOS-prompt when the PC was booting one couldn't find those folders. And it also had an option for a keyboard combination to hide/unhide them
Does anyone know what that program's name is? Or similar programs? Cause I've lost this one I'm talking about
I don't know how hiding something to that extent would be possible. You'd have to like, do something with the allocation index of the hard drive or something.
Why not just use a passworded RAR file to hide your CP?
1.I don't have any CP(oh snap, not a pedophile, on MY 4-ch?!)
2.Sometimes the more stealthier approach is better
>>3 Sometimes the more stealthier approach is better
Why? A passworded RAR file within a passworded RAR file, when both passwords are random letters and numbers and characters, hidden in an obscure system folder eight levels down in /windows/, is just as good, if not better, than a folder hidden through some wacky program, in my opinion. I just don't see any advantages.
>>5 You've thought this through haven't you?
My personal method of "hiding" files is uploading them somewhere then deleting all traces of the files. Then, when needed, I download them again.
passworded RAR hardly seems secure unless it uses a good method of encryption...
Personally, I'd use TrueCrypt, create a file around 500mb, and call it some weird combination of letters and numbers, put it in c:\windows\ for stealth, and mount it as a virtual drive whenever you need to add / remove from it. That way, you get the security of good encryption with the stealth of a virtual drive that won't appear in any searches if it's not mounted.
Well, you see, it is far easier to have some porn folder right in the open of a partition and just be able to stealthly hide it with a program than worrying about extracting/compressing rars and burrying them in folders hierarchies
TrueCrypt, 5gb file.
>Internet addicts anonymous provides counselling, trolling, flames and utter internet stupidity for those who require the services
ITT 12 year olds try to hide their pornos.
encrypted filesystem on a microsd card and the key on a different microsd card = win
"ITT 40 years try to hide their pornos with 12 year olds in them" seems more likely.
Anyways, TrueCrypt with a hidden volume gives you plausible deniability, so no one can know if you have files hidden, what more do you want?
Just name the trucrypt volume file to dotnetsetup.exe and make it as big as you want.