What is TT?
ITT = In This Thread or less commonly, I Think That.
ITT = It's Tool Time!
ITT is a company name.
TT also means Tokyo Toshokan to some people.
ITT = It's Time To:
TT = Time Travel
Telegraphic Transfer.
Damn. I need a new job.
TT = Transgendered Texan
TT = 3.14
TT is what you get when you make two cups of earl grey. =3
TT = Titty Twister
turn table in iidx talk
TT is crying
It's like this:
Some people use it as crying, I think it looks more like a serious business face.
>>22 nerd.
Tamed Trap (for your convenience)
TT is undefined
This and That.
Tit for Tat
Time Trials
Trinidad and Tobago
tokyo tosho
Tiny Tim
Terrestrial Time
This Thread...
Twin Towers
Tick Tacks
Tim Tams
Ten times
Teen Titans!
Tanonymous Taddict
tampax tampons
Tiny Tits
Think Tank
This Thread
To Town
Teriyaki Tofu
"Tiny Tenis"
Tasty Todler
Too Tight
Terrible Twos
Totally Tubular
Combo breaker.
That's Terrible
Tomarrow's Troubles
Tiny Tim
Thick Testicals
Tactical Technician
Testing Testes
Tick Tock
A sad face?
Thread Temerity
Tim Toolman
Call 1-800-DOCTORB!
The 'B' stands for 'Bargain'!
just let it die
hmm.... let me think....
(キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!)
The Truth
the TT is a huge motorcycle event near the Dutch city of Assen.
Tit for tat
TT, Tt or tt may refer to:
[edit] General
* Telegraphic transfer (or telex transfer), a method of transferring money
* TT scale (Table Top scale), a niche model railroading scale.
* teetotal (or T-total), the practice and promotion of complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages.
* Terrestrial Time
* Therapeutic Touch, an alternative medicine practice.
* tritone, a musical interval that spans three whole tones.
* Twin Towers
* 'Tis True
* Toilet