[ITT PIRATES] The Software/Media you Stole - Guilt? (73)

25 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-08-21 10:46 ID:iodQJsl3

Information is not a scarce resource and should not have the same protection as property. If you told me a piece of knowledge that I was unaware of, you don't suddenly lose that knowledge; that knowledge doesn't disappear from your brain. In fact, knowledge becomes more available when it is shared.

If I take your sandwich and eat it, you will no longer have a sandwich and you will go hungry. If I take over your land, you will no longer have a place to live. Real property is a scarce resource and it is acceptable for it to have protections.

> It takes effort/money to produce it.

The service of collecting, sorting, creating and interpreting information is a truly scarce resource as there are only a limited number of people that are able to provide these services. After the information has been created, it is usually trivial to reproduce. Information being easily copied does not mean that information becomes worthless, it just means that nobody is deprived of that particular resource when it is shared.

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