[ITT PIRATES] The Software/Media you Stole - Guilt? (73)

1 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-08-01 02:47 ID:ZN+Od3Nu

So yeah, what kinds of things have you stole?

do you feel guilty about it? I feel pretty bad about some of the stuff I steal pretty cheap stuff, and then some other stuff, like super-expensive Adobe Suites, much less so.

I expect some day It'll have to give and I'll just end up either deleting or buying the stuff I have on my hard drive. Annoying how information works now a days. How can they expect people like me to buy this stuff when stealing is so easy? The Chinese have forged a media culture around this kind of piracy! Where is the world going?????

How do we get over it?
Should we?

63 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-10-23 16:05 ID:n2RxNOQr


The only things I pirate and feel bad about are musics. I've been slowly trying to buy the albums I have on my computer.
Though it's also kinda because I like having the physical object. And sometimes CDs come with fun kitsch! ( ・∀・)

64 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-10-23 20:39 ID:GohRWztU

Flash, Photoshop, Window Washer, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Quake, Quake 2, Quake 3a

65 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-10-24 09:04 ID:6xcAgykp

I'm the opposite way from you. I hate having a physical object cluttering my place.

Besides, it's destructible. Data, properly backed up, is not.

66 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-10-26 22:25 ID:HFOHHRpZ

In an ideal world, I would wish for two things:

  • That pirating were somehow impossible.
  • That all said piratable media was at least Three times as cheap.

But given that this is not a perfect world, pirating will remain.

67 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2007-10-27 01:14 ID:6xcAgykp

Good article about how efficient a distribution method P2P is, how society benefits (spurred on by OiNK's takedown):


68 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2008-01-14 08:06 ID:X26ASFeW

I don't think I've met anyone who hasn't stolen/download something at some point.

I personally like this justification for (some of) it (applies to more expensive software, eg: photoshop, CAD stuff, high-end music stuff, etc)...

Case 1 (Windows)

I'm going to be logically terrible here and make an assumption to support... The people who download pirated copies of Windows are, most likely, the ones with enough tech knowledge to use a different OS. If forced to choose between paying for Windows or using Linux for free, they'd prolly go for free. Thus, any user downloading a copy of Windows is, most likely, someone who'd be using a diff. OS otherwise. Ugh. It's late and I'm rambling. Point is: pirate copies of Windows don't really hurt MS, so much as they help... more copies of Windows, more marketshare, more marketshare, the greater the possibility that someone on a pirated OS eventually buys an MS product, whereas they wouldnt have otherwise...

Case 2 (CAD software, 3dsmax)

In this case, the programs pirated would either increase eventual sales of a given product, as things like CAD and animation software are probably going to be used in a commercial context; and when you design/create something you're planning on selling, it would be extremely unwise to put yourself in a legally dangerous position by using pirated software. No real downside for the developer; people who wouldn't have a chance to use the software at all instead get to learn it (and usually, to a certain extent, dev. a liking for a particular package...)

Music... I can't really justify; best path is to go into denial and keep saying, "one day I'll buy the CD's for the bands I really like"...

Games... If it's really worth playing, I'd actually buy it

TV shows... They give it away for free on TV. Yeah, technically that's supported by ads, but if I have cable, I count as a subscriber, which justifies ad space being traded about...blah blah blah...doesnt make any difference. I just dont have to mute it and walk around the house everytime ads come on.

OMG. I just realized I'm posting a long reply to a 3 month old thread. slaps forehead

69 Post deleted.

70 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2008-01-15 12:50 ID:G19STpTc

There are enough asses in the world without making illegal copies.

71 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2008-01-16 14:07 ID:ttJyB0QZ

damn :(((

72 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2008-01-17 06:29 ID:7IN7f6Bj

The idea that photoshop should only be bought if you are making money off of it is pretty great but unfortunately it is not a very constructive business model. I've got a legit (aka purchased with real people money) copy of CS2 Premium though so I'm happy now. :)

73 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2008-01-24 13:36 ID:Heaven

If it wasn't purchased with your very own money then there is no difference. In one scenario you're "stealing" from Adobe. In another scenario you're "stealing" from your employer or whoever you scammed the copy from. Same net result IMO.

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