I am so bored. 4-ch, what the fuck are you doing instead of entertaining me? Get in here.
I'm about to watch some porn.
I have an oral exam in 30 minutes, so I am chilling.
Playing vidya
I'm posting on this bored.
haha I'm bored as hell here too!!....can't think of anymore to say -_-
Bored BoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBoredBored
I just realised I can't lick my elbow.
no one can...its a proven fact that it is impossible to lick your elbow.
What bones would I have to break/dislocate in order to lick my elbow? Also, how good of a hospital do you need to reattatch an arm?
Not sure how much a dislocated shoulder can rotate, but I think a nice upper arm fracture at the right angle would do the trick.
Dunno about reattachment if you sever it entirely, if you want to go that route you might have to look into prosthetics.