Hikkomori opportunity: Scientology protests! (61)

21 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2008-05-31 06:18 ID:G5FYX/Ld


> >>2san

If you're going to type in English, then fucking type in English.

Also, apparently Chanology is wrecking Scientology. People are abandoning the cult in record droves, book sales are down like 90%, and several sites have closed.

Sup Internet Tough Guy. Any other baseless claims you want to throw out there? Maybe like the "50 other retarded religions"? If there were 50 other 'religions' which were run the way the Church of Scientology, then we would all be completely fucked on a scale you wouldn't believe.

I'd say a majority of the people in Chanology aren't even from 4chan, or don't even wish to be recognized from 4chan, mostly because they're full of puerile shits like you.

So go ahead and make your baseless claims, Internet Tough Guy, because on the Internet, information is king, and you're too lazy to even try looking.

Oh, and if you think Scientology is off-topic for this thread, don't fucking write a paragraph about how angsty your pus-face is about it. Just say it's off-topic, and start talking about something different.

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