Hikkomori opportunity: Scientology protests! (61)

7 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2008-03-26 03:05 ID:Heaven

No, it has nothing to do with where the term originates. It has everything to do with the term describing a syndrome with very specific symptoms which only occurs at a significant rate in a specific culture, that is, a culture bound syndrome.

I have prepared a reading list for you, which I expect you to complete before your next post in this thread:
Culture Bound Symptoms by Ronald C. Simons and Charles C. Hughes, a brief discussion of the concept of the culture bound syndrome aimed at the layman.
Social Withdrawal in Japanese Youth: A Case Study of Thirty-Five Hikikomori Clients by Yuichi Hattori, a discussion on the hikikomori syndrome, findings from analysis of patients, a description of treatment methods and the results.

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