Are there any other decently populated English language discussion boards with multiple forums that cover a large spectrum of topics? Specifically ones that don't attract anime fans. No offense guys, but your preference for all things Japan is quite weird.
Something Awful
4-ch needs more boards.
and more users. ones that did not migrate from 4chan and spew their memes in every thread
we so need more boards, but hey what can we do D:
get more users on here so there is a reason to have more boards?
Link 4ch to all other chans like Iichan does, even 4chan! Also make some banners a make people use it on their blogs or whatever...(I was thinking Danny Choo hmm......).
I don't mind if mt idea get rejected because I was posting this on sluggish morning with my sleepy head....
Actually tht's pretty good. Just gotta find some ppl to do it
11 here
Sorry for such being a grammar Nazi again =.=
12 is back XD
You are forgiven you grammer Nazi x3