IAA, is it practicle, or even possible in today's society to completely avoid the internet? This is asuming will-power is not an issue.
My thoughts are that I see through education, jobs, etc. there will always be a requirem to use the internet at some point in time.
Icicle requiem? What?
Even if you can avoid it. The internet will find it difficult to avoid you. It will eventually find you, and something form the internet will inevitably leap up and present its horribleness to you.
Go to Siberia, but avoid Novosibirsk!
Another way to avoid the web is to go to North Korea.
You can always join one of those fucked up religious cults that segregate themselves from society.
I'd rather keep my internet addiction, personally.
go Amish, they do pretty well.
Go old people, they do pretty well.