Translate the board summary! (25)

1 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-02-28 17:50 ID:EV8DiVO9

ITT we translate the board summary located at the top.
Please put in English the language, the name of the language in it's native form, and your translation.

2 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-02-28 18:08 ID:4D5CNEFD


Parler des langues, la communication, la linguistique ou n'importe quoi de cette nature. Toutes langues sont bienvenues pour la discussion, et tout le monde doit respecter la langue. S'il vous plaît garder la langue japonaise discussion apparentée ici merci vous.

3 Name: Sakurina : 2006-02-28 19:33 ID:Heaven

There's an error in that translation actually.

Replace "S'il vous plaît garder la langue japonaise discussion apparentée ici merci vous." by "S'il vous plaît garder la discussion en Japonais ici, merci beaucoup."

Link the ici to the Japanese board.

4 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-02-28 20:28 ID:uOD5izDn

> All languages are welcome for discussion, and everyone should respect each other's language. Please keep Japanese language related discussion here thank you.


also is this the replacement for Not-English?

5 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-02-28 21:25 ID:yiWCs/e2

This is Not-English.

6 Name: Lulu : 2006-03-01 01:21 ID:HuOLh3og

This is a pretty stupid Not-English, in my opinion, because everybody is just going to speak about languages, linguistics, in English and not talk about normal /general/ stuff in other languages. Even when other languages are spoken, there is a good chance that people will discuss linguistics in it.

7 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-03-01 01:35 ID:z7QeoZIw

You can still start threads for your favorite language here. It's just like the Japanese board.

8 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-03-01 02:38 ID:Heaven

>En français: Pour parler des langages, de la communication, de la linguistique et tout ce qui s'y rapporte. Tous les langages sont les bienvenus pour discuter, et chacun se doit de respecter la langue d'autrui. Pour les discussions en Japonais allez ici, s'il vous plaît.


9 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-03-01 05:08 ID:NmBYAoLh

Para charlar sobre idiomas, la lingüística, y qualquier cosa de ese tipo. Todos los lenguages son bienvenidos para la discusión y todos deben respetar el idioma del uno al otro. Por favor mantengan discusiones en Japonés aquí.

10 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-03-01 05:11 ID:Heaven

>Para charlar sobre idiomas, la lingüística, y qualquier cosa de ese tipo. Todos los idiomas son bienvenidos para la discusión y todos deben respetar el idioma del uno al otro. Por favor mantengan discusiones en Japonés aquí.

fix(i hope)

11 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-03-02 09:46 ID:Heaven

Svenska: Här talar vi om språk, lingvistik o. dyl. Alla språk är välkomna och ni förväntas respektera andra användares språk. Vänligen håll Japanska-diskussioner inom detta forum, tack!

12 Name: Squeeks : 2006-03-02 19:16 ID:Mw1iIZuD

Thank you everyone so far.

13 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-03-03 02:18 ID:P/VyvaZU

Deutsch: Gespräche über Sprachen, Kommunikation, Linguistik oder Ähnliches. Alle Sprachen sind willkommen und jeder sollte die anderen Sprachen respektieren. Bitte Diskussionen über die japanische Sprache auf dieses Forum beschränken, vielen Dank.

14 Name: Mireille guy : 2006-03-03 04:08 ID:hnJXugFJ

I can translate that to Portuguese.
Português: Converse sobre idiomas, comunicação, lingüística ou qualquer tema relacionado. Todos os idiomas são bemvindos para a discussão, e todos devem respeitar o idioma alheio de cada um. Por favor mantenham as discussões relacionadas ao Japonês aqui. Obrigado.

15 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-03-03 09:34 ID:BbywINxn

Sad to say my written Formal Malay is a bit rusty due to my dialect and using more English daily. Here's the Malay version, though if someone could correct this it will be better, I might have made a mistake somewhere. I don't know if the Indonesian Language would have the same translation or not (since both are almost the same) but here's the Malaysian version.


Perbincangan mengenai bahasa, komunikasi, linguistik atau yang serupa dengannya. Semua bahasa adalah dialu-alukan untuk perbincangan, dan setiap peserta harus menghormati bahasa peserta-peserta yang lain. Sila hadkan perbincangan Bahasa Jepun di sini, terima kasih.

16 Name: Sakurina : 2006-03-04 16:03 ID:Heaven

>>8 Are you sure that's how you spell bienvenus? Oh well, I hardly use that term myself that I don't know.

17 Name: Sakurina : 2006-03-04 16:03 ID:Heaven

Oh wait, it's fine on the header. Never mind >>16.

18 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-03-04 19:00 ID:j68eJG+Q


Italiano: Parliamo delle lingue, di comunicazione e di qualsiasi cosa di questa natura. Tutte le lingue sono benvenute per la discussione, e tutti devono rispettare i vari linguaggi.
Le discussioni attinenti al giapponese vanno tenute |quì -link nihongo board|

19 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-03-05 01:29 ID:rW0TdQF0

>>16 Yeah it's correct.
>>17 The header is crap.

20 Name: bubu : 2006-03-05 17:12 ID:Heaven

Discussiuns da temas sco ch'ils linguatgs, la filologia, la communicaziun ed uschia vinavant. Tuts ils linguatgs èn bainvegnì, ed mintgin sto respectar ils auters. Discussiuns da la lingua giapuna* vegnan >>>>>MIGHTY LINK NIHONGO BOARD<<<<<<<

Do rätämavu mouja, litr-domouja, cumunicazjun o.s.o. Aui moujasy bainvenitz o danara reschpect sylzoana. Rätari Lunzeli gon >>>>schmäal MIGHTY LINK NIHONGO BOARD<<<<<<.

*Jana Caniga will probably strafe me stuka-style from above while riding on her broomstick for that. Deservedly so.

21 Name: Squeeks : 2006-03-05 17:14 ID:Mw1iIZuD

I'll be putting something in soon so that all of these langauges arent shown all at once, otherwise that top bit is going to get way too big.

22 Name: magnum testiculum : 2006-03-27 11:36 ID:UDmb09t7

English: Talk about languages, communication, linguistics or anything of that nature. All languages are welcome for discussion, and everyone should respect each other's language. Please keep Japanese language related discussion here thank you.

in linguam Britaniae transtuli.

23 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-04-04 14:17 ID:Heaven

Quenya: Á quetë lambessen, centassë, tengwestiesse, var ainatesse tana nostalëo. Merë micaquetië ilyë lambessen, ar ilquen áva ehta quéno lambé. Iquista á hapë micaquetië nihoninesse siesse, hantalë.

24 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-06-02 23:15 ID:Heaven


עברית: כאן תוכלו לדבר על שפות, תקשורת, בלשנות או כל דבר אחר מאותו הטבע. כל השפות פתוחות לדיון, ועל כולם להתנהג בסובלנות כלפי שפות הזרות להם. בבקשה שמרו את כל הדיונים שקשורים ליפנית בשרשור הזה. תודה.

the link to the japanese language discussion thread should be placed on this word: "הזה" (the second word from the end)

25 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-06-11 17:56 ID:Heaven

If I were to nitpick, I would have said that "svp." would be a better choice than "merci beaucoup".

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