I was wonderng if anyone here have constructed their own language. this can be in the form of a personal language, logical language or internatinal axilery language.
God, I hope not.
Nope, no fledgling Esperantos here.
Cant say I've made my own, but thanks to hijinks in highschool I can speak Pig Latin as quickly as I can speak English. This of course is only good for confusing 12 year-olds who think calling you "ag-fay" is funny and clever.
but a conlang is more than changing around letters in an word...no im talking about like tolkins languages(which are conlangs)or laguages like klingon. conlangs are in my opinion a way for a linguist to further his knowlege in language, or is made to serve a purpous like Esporanto
I have made 5 conlangs, each with a full gramatical scetch and nearly 800 words. because I am currently studying languages at the university of Hawaii in hopes of becoming a linguist I havew found it important to apply some of the things I have learned. this is the reason whyI have made conlangs
Instead of making up new languages, why don't you get your mastery of English down a bit more? You'll go much further with it.
I guess conlangs for fun or fantasy are okay, but I can't help but find all these Kool-Aid drinkin' Esperantists a bit goofy. Sure, Esperanto and its siblings are quite easy for speakers of Europeans to learn, but for everyone else, it's an entirely new language -- and if they're going to learn an entirely new language, they might as well learn one which more than a few thousand people actually speak fluently. If any language brings about world unity and peace, it's not going to be a conlang.
Just you wait >>6, I will take over the world and make everyone speak Klingon. We shall have peace and unity under my iron fist!
hemaga miji fahri... (pronounced [ɛˈvaj ˈmɛje ˈsaː.ɹe], in english: i've made a few languages...)
the conlang mailing list (http://listserv.brown.edu/archives/conlang.html) is a good source for info about conlanging...
>If any language brings about world unity and peace, it's not going to be a conlang.
the idea of a language bringing about world unity and peace is almost as ridiculous as the idea of religion bringing about world unity and peace...
>>1 I thought about that before hearing about esperanto. I then learned Esperanto and Ido. Since I don't use those languages at all, I can't speak them anymore. orz
This has got to be the saddest and most useless hobby ever.
You can't be a solipsist, because I am!
You are a solipsist, because I am!
>>11 no
I made up a conlang with about 500 words. I didn't really know what I was doing, so it was all just arbitrary nonsense.
www.langmaker.com <-- LOTS of interesting resources for the conlanger! I'm really happy to see this. I'm a conlanger myself.
My current project is trying to make a self-segratating language with built in noise resistance, but it's really causing the root invintory to drop considerably. Though, at work today, I was bored and thinking about it, and I think I've come up with a good solution.
> self-segratating language with built in noise resistance
Does "noise resistance" mean you're avoiding homonyms?
Ior languazo est eur mixtre a english et latein e't'andera*. Te allre est inre ior kaup, nont existent inre papre. Te tonoanectun, ior languazo heit... ^^
(*et te andera, prononsiat 'etandera')
>> 16
I guess you could say that, but to an extreme. For example, take the word "bado" which would block "mado" as well as "pado" because p, b, and m all share enough characteristics that all three of those words, in a noisy room would essentially sound the same.
>> 17
Er . . . sorry, I meant to say >> 17, but accidentally typoed.
>> 16
Self-segratating basically means that the language, by virtue of the rules of it's sound arrangements (phonotactical constraints), seperates itself neatly into it's individual morphemes. This is something that natural language does not do. Parsing a language correctly is the single biggest hurtle that machine translation (a la google, bablefish, etc . . .) must overcome.
I and some of my friends intentionally talk in grammatically incomprehensible manner and using uncommon shortforms so that other people won't be able to understand whatever we're discussing while in public. It is kind of fun though.
I'm working on one now that's got a grammar like Japanese and sounds like Chinese.
I wanna make one that sounds Arabic as well.
>>24 Was Na'vi language actually developed?
Wow cool, something good came out out of that picture.
I've been working on my own conlang for 5 or 6 years now. It began back in high school when I started writing down foreign words and their meanings that I came into contact with everyday. Eventually I could construct basic sentences using multiple languages and it just grew from there.
I've added a lot of my own original words plus hybrids I created (example: Japanese "manga" + Chinese "manhua" = mangahua).
Japanese katakana and hiragana inspired my alphabet and because of that I had to convert a lot of foreign words to fit. Certain languages like German and Arabic are a pain in the ass to convert.
The last I counted I had close to 2000 words and a semi-European grammar system.