● J a p a n ● (4)

1 Name: Japanese : 2006-06-17 07:41 ID:lTkxTh38

The thread was shut.(´;ω;`)
I do not give it up!

>Where do you think is the best place in Japan to visit? < ˆ▽ˆ >
Thank you for the first question!(≧▽≦)
I think that It is Kyoto.
A lot of old cultures of Japan are seen in Kyoto.

I think that Tokyo is good if it wants to see a new culture.
The OTAKU culture can be seen in Akihabara.

2 Name: Japanese : 2006-06-17 07:54 ID:lTkxTh38

>if it wants to see a new culture. ×

if you wants to see a new culture. ○

3 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-06-17 10:58 ID:Heaven


「日本語: 言語、コミュニケーション、言語学または何についてでも話してください。全ての言語が議論のために歓迎され、誰でも互いの言語を尊重しなければなりません。日本語に関連した議論はここ[1]でしてください。」

[1] http://4-ch.net/nihongo/

4 Name: Japanese : 2006-06-17 17:46 ID:SVzK8/Uc

The Thread moved.
comes here(^▽^)


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