العرنية (5)

1 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2007-03-28 17:40 ID:HMjlcZkO

Just learning the alphabet right now, but how can you not like a writing system that can do this?

2 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2007-03-28 19:41 ID:1cvXHnbA

I kinda like it, but the problem is that without vowels, I can't identify the words.

3 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2008-11-25 04:11 ID:o0R34mtJ

حَرَكَاتٌ مُمْتَازٌ

4 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2008-11-29 21:11 ID:Heaven

ممتاز should be plural, fuck me.

5 Name: 3ayn : 2009-04-21 19:36 ID:k38kyPyy

حركات ممتازة is the correct.

حركات is a non-human plural. So their modifiers take a singular feminine form.

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