The Chinese Language (6)

1 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2007-05-04 05:29 ID:qIeyF/w3

I am a Chinese myself n most of the time, even i dont even get a single word my mom says. im a disgrace to my race =( hey tat rhymes rofl . . . And have you tried remebering how to write Chinese? Hella different from how you normally talk!

2 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2007-05-05 04:55 ID:BW7zFI5O

You certainly don't write English like a native Chinese speaker.

Also, writing has no particular correlation to spoken language. Unless you write in waveforms.

3 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2007-05-06 17:22 ID:Ov79QPVP

>Also, writing has no particular correlation to spoken language. Unless you write in waveforms.

That's taking it a bit far...

4 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2007-05-08 16:19 ID:JCmWtawn


Bah. Aliens do it all the time.

5 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2007-07-29 08:57 ID:18/O/4A+

So if you're crap at Chinese, what is your main language?

6 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2007-10-18 16:09 ID:h+q7GryY

ya i understand how the feeling is like when you can't remember how the character is like

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