How many languages... (125)

4 Name: Ani : 2007-07-01 13:59 ID:9O0n4tua

These are the languages I speak:

1.Icelandic (very well)
2.Lithuanian (very well)
3.English (very well, I hope..)
4.Samogitian (very well)
5.Faroese (very well)
6.Spanish (well)
7.Russian (understand: very well, talk: not so good)
8.Swedish (understand: well, talk: not so good)
9.Danish (not so good)
10.Latvian (not so good)

Learned nr.1,2,3,6,9 in school
nr.4 is my mother tongue
nr.5 is so much like Icelandic, that I understand it.
nr.8 and 10 are very alike to the other languages I know, so I kinda understand them.
nr.7 learned it from my parents and tv

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