I want to speak and writing English (19)

17 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2008-06-10 10:00 ID:cdpiGN2h

My writing is not good [same with my native language], but I learned English by watching TV series like Simpsons. I listened what they said and read the translation. We had english at school too, but they do not teach "real" english at school.

I do not try to translate every word and think what is the correct translation. I read the sentence and try to understand the idea of what is being said. Because Finnish language is very different from English, it is not always possible to translate everything word to word, it would not make sense. In fact, when I read/write English - I think in English. To my surprise I sometimes think in English when I do not need to. Sometimes I start saying something in English when I am supposed to speak in Finnish. Silly me.

Reading english comics helps you to learn the language. When I am alone, I also practice pronouncing when I am watching TV.

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