Self-taught Spanish (10)

1 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2008-06-07 14:59 ID:+4kSanrc

I'm going to teach myself as much as I can about Spanish over the Summer. I have a College Spanish book my brother gave me, and I was wondering if the Teach Yourself Spanish book was any good. It can be found on Amazon, and I've always found their reviews to be horrible. If not, what do you reccomend?

I'm going to practice my Spanish over LiveMocha with Spanish speakers in return for helping them learn English. Does anyone know any other good resources online for learning Spanish or a really good book? I can find a lot on google, but I know someone out there has saved a site he/she thinks is awesome.

2 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2008-06-10 15:25 ID:+4kSanrc

Guess Spanish isn't exactly a popular language, eh? Why's that?

3 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2008-06-12 06:29 ID:27xpGFiL

I don't know about everyone else, but I personally find it an ugly-sounding language. I took a semester of it, and that was quite enough for me.

4 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2008-06-12 23:51 ID:+4kSanrc

I suppose. But my girlfriend is Mexican, so I need to learn Spanish to talk with her family. Plus, Mexican mariachis are very manly singers.

5 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2008-06-16 05:05 ID:WN1e8ErC

communicate. read. listen. carefully.
Absorb as much as you can. That¡s the main thing.
And congratulations on a Mexican girlfriend. ;)

6 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2008-06-17 00:50 ID:+4kSanrc

I'll clarify that, I don't like the way the rr's sound, but the rest is pretty much fine to me. I grew up hearing a lot of Spanish so it sounds normal to me, like English. When I hear French, it sounds snooty and Russian sounds cool, but if I had heard them growing up then I would probably think they sound normal too.

7 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2008-06-20 07:22 ID:4KoOQ9pM

Practice always helps. If you're learning to speak with certain people specifically, then talk with them, and a lot. I'm assuming your girl can speak it, so you'd do well to have chats with her in Spanish, or with her family.

8 Name: Haridoss : 2008-07-30 12:25 ID:x42ZHqQ5

Self taught Spanish is one of greatest way to learn language quickly. I found some resources related to self learning languages. I would like to share here.

Self Taught Spanish Language

Languages / Spanish

Translation services

9 Name: Haridoss : 2008-07-30 12:25 ID:x42ZHqQ5

Self taught Spanish is one of greatest way to learn language quickly. I found some resources related to self learning languages. I would like to share here.

Self Taught Spanish Language

Languages / Spanish

Translation services

10 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2008-08-24 01:49 ID:i11Mc6Vo


I am Hungarian and I think Spanish is a very easy language to learn, very logical too! Much more so than English.

The pronunciation is a bit disappointing, not as awesome as other Latin languages like Italian, Portuguese or Greek, but has less contorted rules.

Um and it's a world language with an alive culture, to which it will open a window for you! There are hundreds of languages over the world, but very few are still alive in this way.

Hungarian for example is still spoken here, but anything culture related will be in a foreign language, more and more in English.

I like diversity and I welcome therefore that many people in the USA seem to be interested in Spanish!

So, good luck....

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