In my opinion, the nicest language to listen to is scots gaelic. It's like a constant song, with a more flowing sound to it than irish or manx. Anybody else think any other languages are particularly nice to listen to, even if you don't understand them?
For me it French. Sound so "high class".
I bet you realized this from the live-action Halo 3: ODST trailer.
bumping for french
old poetic english
barely understand a word though
french? never.
for me japanese actually.
Not French.
Brazilian Portuguese has it all.
Finnish ftw. Sounds milodic because almost every letter is a vowel.
I have actually been quite taken with the way that Russian sounds. I enjoy the waterfall of condensed consonants. Much nicer than Romance languages with their long nasally sounds. Better than the bored news reader sounds of Germanic languages. Better than the rushed spitfire singsong sounds of Mandarin. Better than the clash of two language families that is Tagalog. Better than the slurred mass of sounds that is Hindi.
The only language that I would say are close contenders are arabic - when spoken by a woman it is surprisingly melodic, and I would have to agree with post #1 that Gaelic sounds amazing - but only when sung. Not when spoken by drunk males.
Russian spoken by men often sounds extremely masculine and by women, extremely feminine. (However this is more culture rather than the language itself. Like how English can sound like utter shit or beautiful, etc.) I don't seem to get why some people think French is the holy grail of pleasent speech, it just sounds a bit "whiny" to me. Although Japanese language gets points mainly because you could make it sound like fucking anything.
french sounds like someone with lots of phlegm. I think italian and russian sound beautiful.
It depends on the person speaking. Almost any language can sound nice coming from a trained speaker -- with certain exceptions imo (dutch, german, french :D).
Languages that I don't understand, but I can very much like listening to are japanese, chinese (when spoken slowly) and spanish.
I'm a great linguaphile and admire aspects of many languages. Some of my favorites are Khmer--which has wild consonant clusters (syllable-initial /chng-/, anyone?) and a really weird vowel inventory--and Brazilian Portuguese.
I don't have any deep knowledge of linguistics, so I don't know which language to be chosen.
But if I am compelled to decide, I will choose bahasa indonesia because it is said to be the easiest language in the world and we can acquire a skill to listen to and understand it in shorter time.
Catalan, just so smexeh >_-
Madarin Chinese by far.
Basque! It just seems to flow well to me.
the German accent has quiet a nice rough tone to it, that its actually pleasant to listen to
The voice of a swedish woman would be a favourite as well
German and chinese (mandarin or taiwanese) definatly
Japanese. I really love the sound of it, specially without Chinese sounding syllables.
Its monotony and phonotactical simplicity make it clean and smooth yet it's still sophisticated enough unlike Hawaiian or Tokipona which feel childish and primitive.
Any language sounds better spoken by a cute girl.
German, Korean, ENGLISH!
Hebrew or Hindi, I can never make up my mind
I personally like the different Polynesian languages. Hawaiian is very melodic and vowel heavy which makes it easy to listen to especially in song form.
Danish. Those diphthonges and glottal stopes just drive meh crazy.
Japanese sounds quite nice. Icelandic is very interesting sounding. Swedish has quite a funny rythm.
It sounds very sexy and relaxing.