hi.. im usuualy a lurker but.. (39)

1 Name: bolex17 : 2005-11-13 00:18 ID:StdPQlKD

umm how should i put this..
theres this girl that i like alot... but i think she likes me alot as well although she doesn't want to say it.

well the is that we flirt alot and stuff y'know.. well today is her birthday and im going to confess to her.. any pointer that i should take to not stuff it up?

this is the first time i've done this before _| ̄|○

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-13 00:22 ID:kf8/C92w

I'd offer you advice, but that would be the blind leading the blind.

Instead, I'll simply wish you good luck.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-13 00:24 ID:kcobBh3o

Ah! Good luck! ヽ(´ー`)ノ I admire your courage!

Are you going for in person? A note? What's the approach?

4 Name: bolex17 : 2005-11-13 00:33 ID:StdPQlKD

im going to approach in person at her birthday.. maybe not in front of her friends tho, in a quite corner or place maybe

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-13 04:27 ID:H05NOAkZ

I also don't know much on the matter, but I can recommend a few things that you probably already know:

  1. Be cool and casual
  2. Try not to lay it on thick. Don't be like "I always loved you, marry me please." Be more like "So... wanna get a bite to eat?"
  3. Pretty much the same as 2., make sure not to force her into any corners. Consider "No." a possible answer... and be prepared to react calmly to it in case it is.

That said, I too admire your courage. Good luck.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-13 05:40 ID:iP2VCxQ5

yeah it's a good idea to not do it with other people around. especially if it's in front of her friends or your friends, it'll be awkward for the rest of your life. you'll get teased by them, etc. etc.

well if you say if she seems likes you alot, then she's waiting for you to make the first move. best of luck!

7 Name: bolex17 : 2005-11-13 11:26 ID:StdPQlKD

im back...

well today was alrite.. we were quietly sitting eatign watermelon.. noone was around ヽ(´ー`)ノ
i felt liek i couldn't say it.. the words didn't come out of my mouth hehe =PP

anyway i told her.. u know umm i liked u awhile now yea? jokingly.

there was nothing but silent aftert that,,, she blushed and said oh really?\

anywway we ended up talkin and that for awhile

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-13 11:37 ID:znbHXinU

Wow! good job. its always so hard the make the words come out.

Too bad she didn't give a response as to how she feels. hmm.. give it time I guess.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-13 18:20 ID:kcobBh3o

Aw what a nice story! Did you call her after that or meet up again?

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-14 14:39 ID:r7PsphVR

Give us the DETAILS!

11 Name: BENOIST : 2005-11-15 01:53 ID:Heaven

We're behind you, Densha! BENOIST!

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-15 23:30 ID:Heaven


Congratulations! You did well, and were very brave.

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-16 06:22 ID:0Ee+rGTa

Watermelon, wow!
Time to take this thing to <<<PHASE TWO>>>>!

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-16 09:59 ID:aS9IhDUG

good job bolex17, what she said now ? ( she thinking about it, don't you?)

15 Name: RegretThink : 2005-11-18 04:02 ID:eRyIXaC8

its been a couple days since the "incident" so anything new to add???

16 Name: Cool man : 2005-11-25 01:44 ID:PR+MV3xg

oh so you like this girl hey???? I just started looking at this thread and it sounds pretty interesting. bolex17 are you really in love? Because~ if you are then why don't you just tell her. Its better to let everyone know than keep it all tucked in. Well i would recommend you to tell her before the end of the year. Good Luck buddy:) don't worry you'll be alright ;)

17 Name: Sakurina : 2005-11-25 04:13 ID:Heaven

Have you read a single thing he said? He told her already.

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-25 20:41 ID:bE4sgNYu

Good work! Ball is in her court now

19 Name: lp~ : 2005-11-28 02:39 ID:sR/tKKC8

We are behind you! TANJOUBI OTOKO.

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-28 07:46 ID:ktsxvvrU

I agree, the ball is in her court. Give her a call or ask her out for a casual walk/drink/whatever. Long weekend just finished so there should be plenty to talk about.

21 Name: kurisutaru : 2005-11-28 09:27 ID:qY2+RRRs

I'm a girl. I think maybe you should take her out on a romantic dinner, well, depending on what kind of girl she is. I'd love that very much if a guy did that for me. ^_^ Best luck to you!

22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-29 01:15 ID:ktsxvvrU

dinner is not a bad idea. make sure you don't come on too strong or you'll scare her away. don't forget to ask if she wants dessert. and most importantly...... COMPLIMENT HER SHOES.

23 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-01 10:52 ID:tgPnA/dI

And remember - always have a sense of humor. Girls tend to like men who can make them laugh. But make sure not to overdo it. There's nothing worse than someone who tries TOO hard.

24 Name: Sakurina : 2005-12-02 02:56 ID:Heaven

>I'm a girl.

Hahahaha, you just won the thread. </densha otoko joke>

25 Name: bolex17 : 2005-12-03 03:11 ID:StdPQlKD

jkkk~ D: this thread ish da bomb laol!

26 Name: Cool Man : 2005-12-04 08:32 ID:0SPFOpE+

Bolext17, please give more details of how you are going !!!!

27 Name: kurisutaru : 2005-12-07 01:45 ID:qY2+RRRs

did densha die on us? :(

28 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-11 00:48 ID:Heaven

He already told her.. It's over. Move on. He didn't ask for any more advice.

29 Post deleted by moderator.

30 Name: No Name-san : 2007-08-06 07:18 ID:gTuvKLf0

I thought this will be kinda resemble to DenshaOtoko.
because of the lurker thing.
but..it was a different story =]

..soo.what happened when i was gone?

31 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-06 12:34 ID:Ay1FyAiA

Old thread is old.

32 Name: No Name-san : 2007-08-06 15:03 ID:Heaven

Hi, I'm new here.

33 Name: For All Needs : 2007-08-06 19:05 ID:A1D0RNp6

.... Wow this thread died fast, it's because all of the Densha wanna bees thats why. Well stop trying to make a Densha story and make one of your own. The fact that its a movie, a series ,a special, a manga, a book and it actually happened means that it has gone a far way and this is a Love Story that has ended already, it's time to create your own love story. Peace.

34 Name: For All Needs : 2007-08-06 19:05 ID:A1D0RNp6

.... Wow this thread died fast, it's because all of the Densha wanna bees thats why. Well stop trying to make a Densha story and make one of your own. The fact that its a movie, a series ,a special, a manga, a book and it actually happened means that it has gone a far way and this is a Love Story that has ended already, it's time to create your own love story. Peace.

35 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-07 04:23 ID:Heaven

Do you think >>1 was a faker tying to pull a Densha?

36 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-07 13:41 ID:Heaven

Yes. Because I'm not getting any myself.

37 Post deleted by moderator.

38 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-09 18:33 ID:Heaven

Is it really a sin to want to know how his getting-involved with this girl ended up? I haven't even seen this "Densha" but I don't see anything wrong with being curious.

39 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-10 09:13 ID:W3r4Cg4c

>>38 Except for the fact that it was pretty much almost assured to be a "trolling" post, not to be taken seriously... And this coming from me, who takes 99% of the postings on this board seriously, still thinking this is pretty obviously a trolling posting...

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