Embarrassing things we do for people we love (72)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-13 11:02 ID:Hv9/dFk3

Sometimes you just have to do something embarrassing for a girl, like go to a Hanson concert. Tell us some embarrassing things you've done because you liked/loved someone.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-13 11:55 ID:5V0vb8Th

I seriously was in the deepest kind of love that a person can possibly be in with a girl that I knew from school

Well, during my sophomore year, we had an Art I class together, we sat next to eachother, talked alot, ect. One day I noticed something was wrong with her neck and she said that she had gotten into a car wreck.

Her parents obviously weren't happy and made her take a Driver's Ed course because of it (She was a senior in high school already)

Whenever she told us about it, she asked "So are any of you guy's going to be in Driver's Ed on November 8th?"

Now, a full driver's ed course is like $400. And for some reason that I will never understand I said

"I am."

So yeah, I paid $400 for a driver's ed course just so I could spend more time with her. It wasn't that bad, though. Time just seems to move by in a flash whenever I'm around her

I have NEVER admitted this to anybody before in my life, even though it was already a year ago. I was too embarrassed to admit it. But atleast I can confess it here ...

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-13 12:29 ID:r3UpUQ75


Did anything ever come of it?

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-13 15:16 ID:dzem8xy3

i travel to other country to know him...

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-13 15:38 ID:2KM8/2x7

Sophormore year, rainy season. I took an umbrella (didn't help much in monsoon) rain to pick up someone I was dating.

Her friends had told her that "the guy who likes you is here" and she apparently told them I was probably just passing by to go somewhere else. She then tried to pretend she didn't know me when I gave her the umbrella.

Lots of laughs from that memory though.


6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-13 15:42 ID:5V0vb8Th


No ... even though I basically changed my life entirely for that girl

I broke habits I never thought I'd be able to break, I did things I never thought I'd be able to do, I said things that I thought I'd never be able to say

I learned so much about myself through knowing her and it really, seriously bothers when I think of what I left untouched

I could have done so much more, showed so much interest in her, but I was scared that I'd creep her out or something

Now I know it was a big mistake not to just honestly tell her how I felt, instead of trying to act like something I wasn't

It really is a long story, but I'd be happy to tell it. This story of mine is why I loved Densha Otoko so much because I experienced what it's like firsthand to try to change for someone.

7 Name: (´-`).。oO(おっぱい (. Y .) ) : 2005-11-13 17:52 ID:A1+9a+eg

I went to her youth group.
And I'm an atheist. Never told her.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-13 23:28 ID:r3UpUQ75


Sure, I'd like to hear it.


Quite a sacrifice, haha.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-15 23:31 ID:Heaven


That bitch!

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-02 07:41 ID:PwwAZ2NS

Wow, that made me cry...

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-02 07:58 ID:BoFD3hrQ

I went to church once with a girl I was dating, and I'm agnostic. At least it wasn't Catholic orz

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-02 08:45 ID:JuHWcPbl

i gave away my entire anime collection, 100gb+ of dvds to this girl. i didnt burn them or copy them to my hd cuz i was seeing her the next day, so i just went, to hell with it, and gave it to her cuz she liked anime and doesnt have the availablity to see it.

current day
I want that anime back.....
shakes fist while misses his Azumanga Daioh

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-29 19:38 ID:/r6FPLmw

Hmmm the things i've done for the girl who can never love me...

I've stayed up all nigh and not slept for more than 2 hours for a few consecutive days to keep her company because she had an essay due the next day.

I spent literally days killing the same stuff over and over again in Ragnarok for the slim chance that the monster will drop something she needed for her quest (while she goes off and help other guys with their quests)

spent hours researching stuff for her (haha which was one of the things in densha that i saw and was like "I DO THAT!")

went to her house and fixed her computers a few times.

among other things

14 Name: 13 : 2006-02-04 08:26 ID:/r6FPLmw

valentine's day is comming up. looks like i'll be doing more of those embarassing things. orz

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-05 05:18 ID:j0gsNnwB

fuck it homeslice, do yourself a major favor, and fuck it, dont allow yourself to be a doormat anymore. otherwise, youre just going to end up sad and alone, such as i feel now, so i stopped fixing girls computers, unless i get money.

16 Name: 13 : 2006-02-05 07:44 ID:/r6FPLmw

I can't help it. and i don't just fix any girls computer. just hers :( I apreciate the advice though 15. heh, I've told myself "fuck it" as well but I can't help but want everything to be fine for her orz

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-05 16:38 ID:yQCcl9d7

confessed yet?

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-05 20:48 ID:/r6FPLmw

yeah. rejected too _| ̄|о

19 Name: 13 : 2006-02-05 20:48 ID:/r6FPLmw

and still I can't help it orz

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-05 21:14 ID:yQCcl9d7

get a friend or something to help stop your horrible addiction, just, keep telling urself, fuck it and fuck her. this is really really bad, its not worth it

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-05 21:41 ID:mBGyCv3t

Hi ...

I'm >>2 and >>6, I totally forgot that I wrote about my experiences in this thread. I was reading my posts and I thought "Wow, that's really touching ..." and then I remembered "Wait, that was me!"

All I can say is, thank you >>10

Nobody's ever told me that before, most people think I'm pathetic for feeling like that. I'm glad you felt some emotion from it

Anyway, I think now I can explain it like I said I would. I'm glad >>8 showed an interest in hearing it. I'm sorry for the really late reply.

I posted my story in a blog because it's too long to post here.


22 Name: 13 : 2006-02-05 22:39 ID:/r6FPLmw

you're not alone ^^ changing yourself for someone. I honestly don't think i'd be where I am if it weren't for her. I was going nowhere and then I fell for her. She had really high grades and B's were out of my range (I just didn't try in school). But after her, I got my act together and actually handed in assignments (figured if i got high grades too, somehow it'd make us more the same and closer). And now i'm in university.

what should I get my friend (once i find someone willing to do this) do? I mean it does seem like it's not worth it but a part of me still feels it's worth every moment. I feel my best and most alive when i'm doing something that'll make her smile. Being with her brings out the best in me. Being apart, the worst. orz

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