Have any of you guys ever made a confession to a girl you truly admired?, and if so what was the outcome of doing that?.
I did it once and she was perfectly ok with it but we never got together or nothing. She was pretty understanding though.
Actually i did it a week before christmas.
She told me that she had a boyfriend, but she also said that she wasn't sure about him.
Then I asked her two days later if she felt the same. Her reply was she didn't know, and explained it by telling me that she had trouble with guys. I said "I see", and left her alone.
I hope that I get an clear answer when I see her again next week.
yes, i got....lets just be friends orz
After angsting a lot about it, I did... her answer:
1) "It's important that guys I date be the same denomination as me", and
2) "<mutual acquaintance> likes you."
Turns out she was lying about #2, and because of that I wound up embarassing myself later. That little bitch! >_<
The CUNT!, omg if I ever experienced that, I would have told off the both of them. I have no problem with offending or being upset at women, just the talking and being romantic part. =D
Ouch >>4 that really does suck.
I've confessed once, and I don't even remember what time it was, I think it was just a regular day after school in autumn or something. I met her like usual everyday after chemistry, and asked to talk to her about something after school. That's where I sort of blurted it to her. She told me she needed to think about it, and I let her bring up the topic when she made the decision. I got my answer in a week ^^
I got the "You're a good friend, but I could never think of you as anything more. " We're still good friends and talk to each other after that as if it didn't even occur.
Well, in fairness I was kind of a freaky kid back then. Didn't talk much, wrote shitty emo poetry... hell, I was slightly stalker-ish. -__- I think a lot of my classmates had me pegged as 'that quiet guy that's going to snap one day, buy an AK-47 and take out a K-Mart'.
...I got better, though. >_>
How about some success stories after a confession? :D
I'm afraid I can't quite refute that.
I confessed, and we were together for a year. Then I came to my senses and realized how much she was clinging and how little free time I had for myself.
I brought it up, she clung on tighter. I let her go.
A pity it ended like that, but them's the breaks. I cannot disprove your statement.
I confess to a girl and she rejects me. Then, she says that it's not possible to have things back the way they used to be (before I confessed)...I wish my end result was like Linus11's result...
I'm female (yes, I know; I don't exist) and I started to hang out with a classmate in college. One day he finally got up the nerve (on ICQ!) to confess that he really liked me more than as a friend, and asked if I would go out with him. Actually, I'd hoped he'd ask at some point, since I wouldn't have the nerve myself. It's been a few years, and we're still together (married and happy and everything). And he had been convinced, before that, that he was too weird and geeky to ever find a girlfriend. So don't give up!
>>12 I suppose that is pretty encouraging
Well, I've had my successes and failures, but more failures than successes.
That's not really the point, just go for it and give it a try. However get it over with quickly so less damage will be done. The longer you wait, the more it sucks.
Thank you so much madam >>13 and your spouse!!!
You've brought hope to us single men! KITAAA!
grrr, madam >>12 I meant...What can I say, it's late..
The closest I've come was essentially confessing to the girl I've let ruin my life; but there was too much drama involved and the Internet is too small for me to go into detail here. Suffice it to say it sucked (ry
Other relationships I've been in, there wasn't so much a confession as a period of mutual realization, which is fine too ...
Life tends to be such that going back to "the way things were" is generally impossible, but that could mean an awful lot of things. Then again, that's just part of the risk.
I was about to, but when my friend confessed to a girl and she rejected him (she freaked out and stopped talking to him). Now he drinks any chance he gets and tells any girl he meets to fuck off. I wussed out because I didn't want to end up like him.
sounds like, me, minus the alcohol o_O, how long that been going on?
It happened about a year ago. He was going to talk to her about "closure" this past Christmas, I never followed up on it however.
That's what happened the last time I confessed too. The rejection reason was "I'm not ready for a relationship", and like with practically every time you hear that line, she meets some other guy and is then seen together with him less than a week after giving that reason.
I still absolutely hate the other guy. To the point where no amount of words can describe how much. Wait a minute, this is about 2-3 years later, that probably isn't healthy, is it... oh well.
Haha, a perfect thread for my story. I wrote about it soon after it happened to keep the pain alive! Just joking; I laughed and learned. Here it goes: (Ctrl+V)
I was confused. For months, it seems, she had been making subtle hints, leading me on to believe that she liked me. Touching me, leaning on me in the bus for long periods of time, grabbing my arm in the winter and pulling it close to her body (breasts (´д`)ハーハー) to keep both her and me warm as I sat awkwardly, but not uncomfortably. Mentioning that in her family, touching is a sign of affection for someone. Things like that, I picked up on. And these things had all been adding up in my memory until one day, after the “final straw” per se, I decided to do something about it.
A good friend suggested that she liked me. ‘You should ask her out, she has a crush on you’. I was unsure; I’d been unable to define her as a person. She was too unpredictable. Most people I can define and estimate how they will act, what they’re thinking, and even the body language they’ll convey. But my friend's own affirmation boosted my confidence.
The final straw: The hug in my story. She ran in, hugged me really tightly, said, “I miss you”, and then appeared to blush when I mentioned that it had in fact only been 1 day since I had last seen her. She didn’t greet my friend as enthusiastically – no hug, no big cheer, nothing. I’ve never seen her greet or hug anyone else this way either. That’s what finally made me believe that she must like me.
We went to the mall. It was somewhat fun. She had me carry around some of her stuff for a while. It seemed, if she only wanted to be friends, that she would just put her stuff on the ground for a second, but I guess that’s the kind of person she is. It seemed, if she only wanted to be friends, she would have acted a hell of a lot differently than she did during the time I knew her.
I got home. Pathetically, I researched how exactly would be the best way to ask out a girl. I really don't know how to go about it. Whilst not particularly helpful, I found something encouraging. “If you think you’ve found someone who might be perfect now, imagine how many other people there are out there like that for you”. The old, “Thousands of fish in the sea”, phrase. I figured I had nothing to lose from asking her out, aside from her friendship, and everything to gain.
I asked on MSN. Didn’t phone (partly out of cowardice, partly out of ‘You can’t be on Internet and phone at same time with 56k modem' reasoning). If she truly did like me, it wouldn’t matter to her as to the medium as long as the question still came through. “lol, this is so not you”. Not an encouraging response and at the moment I thought I was the biggest jackass in the world. I knew that no possible rejection to follow could be worse than her inability to believe that it was truly I. This continued on for a bit.
In the end, she says to me, much to my chagrin, but not truly to my surprise at this point, “I’m really sorry, but I’m interested in another guy.”
That’s fine and good. I’m OK with that. It is her loss for never being able to know the real me; say Hello to that mask at school. I couldn’t care less about it.
I’m not OK with these mixed signals. If it hadn’t been for them, I would never have asked her out in the first place and all this awkwardness could be avoided. Now, I see her in the halls, in classrooms, and instead of the limited conversation we had before, there is only uncomfortable silence.
Apparently, she says she didn’t feel like she was leading me on. I haven’t talked to her since that night; I know this through my friend. If she really wasn’t, that girl needs to work on how she interacts with people. Maybe it’s the fault of my “superb” memory, the fact that I remembered all these “would-be” hints. Maybe it’s just her. Still, why would she act the way(s) she did?
Another girl now approaches me and asks if I feel sad. I ask her, why should I?
I’m far from sad; I’m confused.
Update1: Far from sad, I’m stricken with laughter and hilarity, it’s been around 3 weeks + since the whole ordeal happened, and it only keeps getting funnier. My life, the comedy.
Update2: This seems like a sad story, referring back to it. I’m mildly amused by my writing, and the 3 periods in time of which this is written entertains me, almost as if I’m having or seeing a conversation with alternate me’s.
Final note:
So, this is the story of my confession. What came of it? I never, ever spoke to her from that moment onward. Bizarre.
That really sucks. But it is common and normal.
Rule number 1
Girls are stupid
Rule number 2
Refer to rule number 1
There are exceptions, but these are the general rules.
I recall a specific occasion, I still recall it vividly.
I was lucky I made it home. I think I nearly went emo. I'm not sure what happened after the rejection, things just got hazed.
I don't know if I'd advocate acting so carefree though, at least not in front of others. Perhaps I'm just really cynical of the opposite sex, but there does exist a chance that it was some kind of cruel test. Besides, sometimes pity is just what you need for another chance.
Now, on a more serious note:
From the context, it seems like you're still in high school. If so, that explains a lot of it. High schoolers are marked generally by the quality of not knowing what the fsck they want. Not to offend them, but maybe 95% of them just don't know. Being generous, 5% might seriously know what they want out of life. Chances are is that this girl was just as confused as you are. Thought you were cute, liked your personality, then the feeling faded for reasons unknown. I know that happened to me plenty in high school. I got a crush, then the next week was winter break or somesuch, and then when I saw her again, I felt nothing. It happens.
Don't be discouraged though. I would highly recommend being friends with her. Not only will it keep a chance alive, it will increase her respect for you when she sees how mature you're being about it. Show her that you don't mind the confusion and still want to be friends. Show her that you're a man that is wise enough not to sweat a misunderstanding.
So her crush faded, doesn't matter. You may get lucky. She may begin to love you for who you are rather than who she thought you are. Show her some stability. High school years generally tends to lack that... she might appriciate it.
Ahh.. girls that give all the wrong signs are generally flirts that don't know what they want, or have fun teasing boys. This is behaviour exhibited by immature girls who are usually still in school, but some women don't grow out of it. Touching can be a sign of closeness.. the whole brotherly thing as well.
Most girls tend to be cryptive in weither or not they like someone, but if they tell you these lines..
"I'm not interested in a relationship right now"
-She is trying to let you down gently, although sometimes it really is that.
"I just want to be friends."
-She's not interested, but she still likes you.
If she starts ignoring you, she's too young to understand a relationship anyways unless you've been stalking her or something.
If she laughs or says something mean, she's not worth it. No matter how great you think she is, she's snobbish.. you can do better.
I'm a girl by the way ^^;; I have seen so many girls use these lines..
I'm a girl too. If we say we want to stay friends it means "I don't want to have sex with you but I think you're a neat person. Please pretend I have a penis too from now on and don't be a baby and not talk to me because I don't want to have sex with you."
Nothing's worse than when guys act like this because it says to us, the only reason we're worth talking to is because there's a chance we might put out. If you liked a girl as a person to begin with, continue to treat her as a person and not a vagina. Who knows, someday she might change her mind about you. I've seen it happen.
Could they be interested in the whole spending life together aspect of a relationship? Maybe that has something to do with why guys respond this way when rejected? Just a thought.
>> 27 Just because you're friends with a girl does't mean you can't date other girls at the same time. You're putting too much vagina into the "friends" concept, see? So if you find another girl while you're waiting around for girl #1, you now have a friend and a girlfriend instead of a string of girls you no longer talk to who probably think you're a jerk now. Just sayin'.
Hmmm, I haven't had the problem of continuing on after a confession ... yet.
Perhaps it's because I repress my feelings, and forget that the event of confession even occured. So I continue to socialize with her (whoever I confessed to, and that's about 5 people on this rock we call earth) as if the confession never occured.
However, repressing my feelings is something I've always done, and it makes me distant from almost everyone. I think being distant makes you a very easy case to be dumped in the "just friends" category ... So it would be a bad thing to be this way.
I never thought about it that way, thanks
But I can't remain friends with her, though. I almost think we both went out of our ways to avoid each other after that. It's not like she said "let's just be friends" either, as how do you just return to that? It seems hard, especially if you weren't really friends but rather very close acquaintances.
I consider my guy friends "friends". I consider any girl I know to be just an acquaintance, with varying levels of familiarity. I knew a girl I used to be able to talk to quite freely, but she had her own issues, and our lives drifted apart on separate paths. I'm getting to become friends with a new girl, and we can talk quite freely about things (even pornography, of all things o.O ) but she already has a boyfriend, but I still enjoy talking with her.
But I can't find it in myself to treat a woman like I would treat a man. Maybe that's something I need to work on, but I tend to be very soft when it comes to women; unlike to my guy friends, I hardly ever joke around with them or make fun because I'm afraid of hurting them. Stereotypical views? Unsure. The two women whom I can call friends were actually what might be described as "emo". The first, truly emo, but with an interesting personality. The second, dresses differently. Perhaps it is these traits that allow me to consider treating them differently?
In any case, the girl in >>22 moved off to university, while I'm now taking my 5th year of highschool. I'm not about to go to the same university just to see her again, so I guess the phase in my life is over.
>I don't know if I'd advocate acting so carefree though, at least not in front of others. Perhaps I'm just really cynical of the opposite sex, but there does exist a chance that it was some kind of cruel test.
I don't think it was a cruel test in this case, but perhaps just a case of her using me. Using me to what end, I'm not too sure.
There were other times in my life when I felt I was being given a cruel test. It is an interesting story, in itself. My first girl friend (not gf; the one from above, if you read all this :P) was talking to me on Valentine's Day over MSN. She started to talk about sex and etc, saying how much she wanted me and things like that. Naturally, I jumped to the conclusion that it was one of her friends doing it maliciously, or she was trying to tease me into admitting something, or anything like that. I thought it was cruel, and could never know if she was being sincere. She even sent me a picture of a naked man when she said she was going to send me a picture of herself nude. Truly, it appeared to be some kind of crazy mindfuck in progress.
However, months/years later I found out that she was sincere. A similar repeat conversation had occurred over the years leaving me confused and unsure of myself. Perhaps she felt the same thing. But, she was actually sincere, or at least somewhat sincere. Whilst under the influence of ecstasy, she started up a cam show on MSN. Yeah, this part of the story sounds corny, but it brings to my mind the question: had I been hurting her like the girl from >>22 had hurt me when she didn't believe it was me messaging? I don't know.
The past is muddled, as is this story. I asked her to a movie once but got no confirmation/denial. Told her I'd see her at the dance, but never showed up (cowardice). >>24 is correct; high school students don't know what the hell they want.
IN CLOSING (haha, this stretched on pretty long)
If you're a man, don't confess to your female friend unless you're absolutely 100% sure. Even 99% may not be sure enough. I guess this is the advice I can offer this thread, because once you screw things up, it is hard to go back to the way things were. Some might disagree with my advice, but I think I will hold by it. I think I will become close friends with women, but wait for them to initiate the official relationship. It might be less painful this way.
In a perfect world, we would do this. Unfortunately, this ideal cannot be practically applied.
Face it, until human hormones can be suppressed by medication, girls will be "tits" and guys will be dicks in the eyes of humanity. And yes, that is a horrible pun I made. You can throw rotton avacados at me later.
Also, I would note that while saying it, it sounds nice. It really does. But when you stop to think about it, the logic behind this statement falls apart. I mean completely apart.
Let's stop for a moment and consider why people become friends.
That list looks awfully familiar. Kind of reminds me of what people look for in real romantic relationships? ("Real", as opposed to airheaded players who think romance is how you tell a girl how fine her ass is).
There's the simple truth, okay? Guys look for the same qualities in girlfriends as they do their friends. The only major difference (and it is major) is the difference in equipment. By this realization, you have to realize, you can't help but be labeled as "vagina". It's the only differentiating trait you possess.
Okay, so this is discouraging. But I'm not done yet, oh no.
Let's assume that it was somehow possible to treat girls exactly like guys. Let's assume somehow every girl could detach their breasts and put on a strap-on whenever they liked. I see problems already.
I don't mean to be so brutal or cavalier, but as a practicallity, it just wouldn't work. Mostly, it comes back to the fact that guys treat girls differently. Here (amongst non-flamer geeks anyway), that means with the utmonst respect (until/unless the girl proves unworthy, and sometimes even then).
Besides, some of us aren't that liberated yet. I've given up bus seats on three hour rides because I saw women standing. I've told girls to go ahead of me when there's a huge wait. Whether you call me chivalrous or chauvinistic, I treat girls differently. If you resent that and think me a horrible person for it, I'll accept that.
But the fact remains that guys can't treat girls the same. Because they just aren't.
Not even with a sex change operation.
Congrats for one of the best posts ever made here.
btw, it's nice that you're chivalrious or whatever, but I think you crossed the line to stupidity when you stood in a bus for three hours just to be nice.
>>33 Indeed. I act very different around girls, even online. Although I act different around different people in general - not that I pretend to be someone I'm not, but you know, I sort of have the habit of emulating the person I'm conversing with so it's easier to get along/connect/whatever. Especially obvious in IM's: the way I type to one person can be totally different than the way I type another. The most obvious difference is the use of "EMOTICONS," which I more or less only use when talking to guys for humor purposes, while when talking to girls I actually use them to give emotion to my text. This whole thing isn't very relevant, but it does add as proof that we treat girls differently, and do it subconsciously at times.
I dunno, I would probably do that for anyone who isn't a healthy (or obese) guy under 60 or so (´・ω・`)
>>35 I can totally relate to you on the online thing. When conversing with my guy friends I'm crude and funny but around the women I'm a little more polite, caring and watch what I say to them because I might say something offensive. Lately I've realized though that this isn't good, I should just 'wing it' like I do with the guys, because being too nice is a killer, I've gotten into many scraps online for being too much of a nice guy. As crazy as that sounds it happens...
Same here,
in fact, I think the whole "nice guy" might turn some women off. It's hard to balance being a jerk and being a nice guy perfectly. Do you think even comedians have this trouble? Sigh it's a confusing world we live in.
The confusion is the pleasure and the pain of living in the world, I think.
33, I have applied this in the real world four times, and am still friends with my exes (two of which got married to very nice girls, and yes, I went to the weddings.) Maybe it's not human biology that has to change , but the way you approach the situation. "it can't be helped" is an attitude that is an easy way out.
Argh. Rewriting this all so that it's not an off-topic tangent about what happened to me ...
>>33 can't be generalized too far; for example, I treat all of my friends basically the same, minus differences in the way the relationships have played out due to things like who I've actually gotten close to and who I haven't. I also tend to gravitate more towards girls as friends. I really don't have problems leaving any of those relationships as "just friends" unless something really bad happens (which has only really happened to me once, as alluded to in >>16, and >>26's characterization doesn't fit that situation. At all.).
Perhaps I'm an exception in lots of ways; people occasionally half-joke that I'm more of a girl than a boy. Still, I doubt I'm all that unique.
I think you sound pretty normal, don't worry.
hi.. i'm pretty new here...
even tho back in the past i had 6 girlfriends, i didn't have that much feeling for any of them...... (yes, i was pretty much a pimp back then.. :p)
but.... recently, i met this girl, whom i suppose to know already since both of us were young. juz to let u know, she's 4 yrs younger than me. so, when the first time we met, i was 10, she was 6... both of us were still innocent kids.. =D
but then, i recently met "the older her"... n' she is so nice (both personality and look).
i started to have feeling for her n' so on. however, i really can't express it coz i'm afraid it would ruin our "friendship"... (i'm a good guy now.. =D)
again, juz to let u know, we hardly talk to each other. we only talk when we meet, but again, we hardly meet eact other...
please... anyone can help me with this...
(i watched "Densha Otoko" last year, n' i had a thought maybe i can get some help from here, juz as "Densha Otoko" got in 2ch..)
I can tell you one thing. Just try to get as close to her as you can. I had the same situation, but I was a dumb teenager. I was in love with a girl for a very long time. She was a daughter of my parents friends. We were meeting each other about once per year cuz she was living in another country. And after few years of my iddleness I have invited her to a party. We came back, but she was hugging one of my friends. Damn bitch >.>. So be fast or depressed. Just act while you can, or you'll regret it. You have to think about what can you gain and what can you lose.
that's the whole point... i can't preactically get close to her...
1st, we dun live in the same town anymore...
2nd, something worse is goin to come... i might hav to move to another city on the side of the globe for my study. the chance of seeing this girl again will reduce..
3rd, although we know each other, we only know by faces to faces.. yes, we dun know each other's names... tho, we should know it since that 1st time we met.
semester holiday is coming up... that's a good chance for me...
however, i really hav no idea how to meet her... i hav no number, no address... well, perhaps my mom does, since my mom and her mom's are friends. but i can't possibly ask my mom, can i??
one of her classmate happens to be a friend of mine. this friend of mine is actually tryin to help me, but seems like it isn't working well at all... i can ask her number from this friend of mine, but won't it look weird when i call her??
Since you don't have too much to lose, you can try to call her. If you feel brave enough. You don't know her name, so a phone call may be troublesome. But... how can it be that you don't know her name? You said that you know her friend. Can't she tell you her name? Anyway, maybe letter would be more proper? You don't have to worry. Even if you fail you will probably won't have another chance to see her. But... if you won't try, you'll be thinking for the rest of your life that there was a chance.
well... practically, we dun know each other's name...
but of course, i managed to know the name from my friend who happens to be her classmates...
and about the letter?? are u sure?? i mean.. letter?? during these days??
however, u were right. there's nothing to lose... n' i might be thinkin it for the rest of my life...
the semester hols are coming soon... n' i should, at least, be able to ask properly wut's her name. then, comes the rest...
it's amazing how ppl told me back then, how pimpish i was... but now, i dun feel it rite now with this one particular girl...
Now why do I suggest you letter:
In the letter you can tell her all of the story. Your point of view.
Telephone is for the short message. When you'll call her, and even when you tell her your name she may say "Thats nice but I don't remember you". That would be a total failure...
E-mail would be better than traditional mail cuz as you said "during these days...". But will you be able to get her e-mail address? Also people don't take e-mails too seriously. Try to imagine your love confession between Viagra/Callis spam ><. Girls just love traditional letters, just because it's so rare. To see your handwriting etc. it is so romantic, personal etc.etc.
Oh crap... honestly, i haven't write any letters by hand since..... god knows when!!!
all wut i've been using is SMS......... or MSN........... or email.........
but...... by the time i see her again.. n' start talking to her... asking her phone number is okay, no??
Yeah, thats ok. But...
DON'T EVER CONFESS YOUR LOVE USING SMS or MSN. Same goes to breaking up with a girl. Thats the biggest mistake you can make.
Maybe you'll try to call her, and ask her out? I htink that it'll be better to tell her personally than to use phone or any other media...
man... i never knew it was so hard to actually confess to someone you actually really like......
It's not that hard. But for the people that berely know each other it's not so natural...
I confessed and got shot down. friend zone FINISH HIM! orz
I just made a confession (Valentine's Day) and she said drumroll yes! ( ´∀`)I'd like to thank the academy.
I've known her for two years and all. Problem is, we still haven't established a solid talking point (like how you can always go back to a particular topic with a friend). We're both really random and stuff. Hopefully I'll find something that I can always talk to her about.
congrats man, im sure you will find more things to talk about.
Hearty Internet congratulations, good sir.
heh, kickass bro. My relationship sort of got established yesterday too, I bought her a box of chocolates and I have her face as my cell phones wallpaper and showed it to her. I think we're pretty offical now.
hehe congrags to you both ^^ lucky bastards
Congrats to you two...Hopefully I can change my name one day....
congrats i hope you both stay together and be happy.
I made a confession to a girl I liked, like a year after I had gotten over her. She was flattered and terribly amused. Her being my best friend probably helped. I probably also should mention that she's straight and that is why I never bothered to ask her out, because I knew there was no way in hell she'd be interested.
Another confession I made was to this guy I used to have a crush on two years earlier, and only because he was whining about that nobody ever had any crushes on him, and he went "what? damn, why didn't you tell me that earlier? I would have been interested." At this point though he had a girlfriend (that he wasn't too happy with) and I had a boyfriend so that wasn't going to lead anywhere.
i made a confession once. i was very drunk. i don't think he was even there, to be honest. but there's a door somewhere that knows the extent of my love.
that was (in a very depressing way) very romantic. The kind of stuff that are the tear jerkers in a romantic movie.