Why is it that it is the men that must court the woman? There are less men, men are normally the ones that make the money?
Why do women fantasize about meeting a prince and having a fairytale wedding? Is this culturally universal? Societial influence in their upbringing?
(I know, more of a sociological topic but these seemed like the best place.)
I'm sure the reasons are more biological than anything, but I'm not really sure why it has worked out that way.
I think it is a societal construct with a biological background.
> Why is it that it is the men that must court the woman?
> men are normally the ones that make the money?
Courting isn't exactly free.
Why? Evolution probably. Women select desirable characteristics in a sexual partner and a provider/protector (not always the same person.) They weed out undesirable qualities to avoid creating and having to live with inferior offspring or an inferior home environment. Women are selective because women have more to lose if they make a bad selection.
As the pace of technological and intellectual progress outstrips evolution, these inborn drives become more an more irrelevant despite their continued influence on us. Although we need not live our lives according to the default programming, many still choose to do just that, not realizing that their choice is more the product of instinct than of rational deliberation. Our species is stuck in transition: No longer animal, but not fully human. Half a goon, and half a god.
Thats what I wanted to say, but didn't have the right words for, well said
And how, pray tell, do you tell the ones who just follow instinct from the ones who decide on the same choice after careful deliberation?
Heres my question: why the fuck do stupid girls go after the jerks when they are young? The young, dangerous punks who really don't give a crap about anyone. And then end up regretting it and coming to the conclusion that they want a mature guy. My question is, surely there must be some women who realize this simple idiocy can't last? Is it to fullfill some stupid fantasy that all women have?
Women are whores. Just like men (who go for bimbos). You need to realize this but not speak it out loud.
Presumably, dangerous punk => tough guy => good protector. I suppose it's an evolutionary thing.
Do you really think EVERY woman in the entire world does that?
Sure you do, the same way you tell honest people apart from liars, hard workers from goof-offs, or cops from hookers (I've heard.) It doesn't actually take a lot to discover someone's motivations, you just have to ask the right questions.
People who make considered decisions can usually give good reasons if challenged. Someone who acts purely on emotion just "feels that it's right" or something to that effect, and can't really explain it any further. They felt something, that's why they did what they did, end of story. Some people might say all women are like this to an extent, but I don't think that's really true. I think it's just that our culture often lets women get away with it, and even encourages it.
"Bad boy" also equals "exciting," something that doesn't really apply to the golly-gosh-your-purty-ma'am boy next door.
But there are a lot of mature men out there who are even more confident than the punks 8 mentions. Is it because they don't feel the need to show off? It's weird, thats for sure...
Only the ones who put out at all.