Only for
Uh, I fucked this up. Someone delete plz.
just keep going, doesnt matter man
she wanted space, but she lived 45 min. away
She wanted space, so she became an astronaut.
well my ex fucked this other guy at some party while i was away for the week, and then after sleeping with me again a few days after decided that i wasnt fun anymore and wanted to just be 'friends'.
i found out about this guy a month or so later when i finally talked it out of her. i pretty much lost it after i found out, and ended up dropping out of uni. i also dissed a lot of my friends to be with her, so even now 2 years later i really dont have any close friends like i used to.
i have a real job now, and a pretty secure future, but i really dont give a fuck. i can feel myself growing more cold and bitter as each day passes. my parents are going to kick me out soon, as im now 21, and it looks like im just going to move into a flat by myself. i can barely make new friends, let alone talk to girls.
im afraid that ill wake up tomorrow 50 years old and ready to die
I got dumbed because her ex-finance was in the same disco as we two. She saw him and started crying and then running away. Bleh.
Please, don't let that slut ruin your life. Just move on and don't give a shit about her anymore. It's just going to worsen your life.
hook up with the same guy. that'll mess with her head.
I got dumped because his girlfriend (which I never knew about) dumped me for him. Since he was a huge asshole and didn't want to dump me, not because he loved me but because i was comfortable to have around, since i had a habit of cleaning his place. And two months after I got dumped we chatted and he started trying to state that he never really said to me that we were over, and that he wouldn't mind if we continued where we were. and this a few weeks after that he had gotten married. I told him to fuck off and never speak to me again, and I sent his wife a copy of the chatlog. No idea what happened after that.
chatlog? woah lol
Was dumped because she was dating upwards of 10 other men at the same time. We remained friends until this information became public. 3 of those people were people in person, 6 were over the internet and then there was my lttie old self. Thankfully this slut has been out of my life since.
While I understand that your last relationship was destructive, you need to get out of your funk and try to meet some new people. I know that is difficult so I suggest you start going to clubs or the gym. Go out with your coworkers, or do something to better yourself. Wollowing in self pity on 4ch isn't going to help you. Good luck.
Left me over my being a loser who surfs 4chan.
Which is odd, because her pics get posteed there all the time.
woah, r u serious? lol, and, might i ask, who this chick might be known as....hahaha, who knows ive ive seen her before?
cracky-chan o.O
Laid-off by best friend in March-2003. Company hired me, fired best friend May-2003, also hired Married woman from Thialand. Married woman & i fooled around A LOT. Six months later, best friend got hired back - married woman left husband, started dated my best friend. Married women got divorsed (got custodey of son) married my best friend, had daughter last year. I left mapping department the same month she told me she was pregnant with daughter. Best freind thinks she-&-i don't see each other anymore, and thinks daughter is his child. Best friend has black hair, so does Thia-woman. Daughter has red-hair, like me; and has my mother's name, Rain.
>>18 (continued) I don't speak to Joel anymore, but Amber tells me, that he is getting fat, like me. Patima only makes-love with skiney men (and/or women) and i KNOW that she is cheating on her husband Joel with me, and a few other guys/people. She likes red heads, like Andy-P (even though he's in his 50s) and Maria-P (even though she has one good eye). But now that Patcha, Patima's teenage son, is dating girls... Patima gets to take pictures of young asian girls in swim-wear and post them on 4chan-b, every week. As soon as the Seattle weather gets 'hot-enough' for Skinny dipping; Patima will post those pics as well, just like last year.
He thought I was having an affair.
I wasn't.
He was moving to another city.
cause he was scared,right?
he was runing away from the town.
fuk you all.
Apparently I'm the perfect boyfriend, but a horrible person (read: heartless, piercingly logical monstrum horrendum who can play the part before becoming quite bored).
I don't know